Jennifer's story...

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"The things they wrote about my death are all fake, I wasn't born in 90s, I was born in 70s, it wasn't a suicide, it was a murder, the situations I faced were not ordinary situations. I'll tell you what happened. Long, long back, I was a daughter of a merchant. In those days they did not encourage girls to study or participate in any other events. Even my parents weren't encouraging me to study, they were always telling me to marry a guy after 16 years. I was always broken with their words. I wanted to go away, more like run away from this torture and live a peaceful life. In those days, the security for girls were very poor. To run away it felt more like I'm running into danger. If even a small 4 year old girl would go out, they used to rape her and sell her organs for money or just murder her. I was scared for both the worlds of mine. In some situations I wanted to be a boy so that I could run away and be a servant of someone else rather than a wife of a stranger. I wanted to earn some money and live a life of my own, to earn you need a job, to need a job, you need to study, to study your parents should encourage you, but they never encouraged me. So I was finally 16 and my parents were looking for a groom but I was crying with a broom in my hand."

"They finally found a groom, if he were handsome I would say 'yes', If he were at least kind I would say 'yes', but he was ugly as hell and kicked my puppy with his sharp shoe. My puppy fell and got its leg bruised. I hated him so much. When I spoke to my parents about his character, all they said was that I'll be fine after marriage. I ran to my room with my dog, sat in the corner and was crying until my heart was breaking into pieces. The day of my marriage came, everyone started decorating the house, every bullshit person had a smile on their face except for mine. I had to wear my gown which was crystal-white and had stones embedded in them, they said I looked so beautiful."

"I was just 5 minutes away from my marriage, tears were coming out so badly. I just thought that why should I sacrifice for someone who never cared for me and marry that bitch, instead if I run away I could at least work as a janitor. I locked my room,  took my bed-sheet and folded all the clothes I have and made a rope. I threw it out of my window. I've sent my puppy first. It landed safely. Then I held the rope and was slowly going down. I reached the ground, I and my puppy ran away. When I was running with my gown, all the neighbors were looking at as if I was eloping with someone. While running away, I bumped into a guy. He was so handsome. His eyes were sparkling-blue, his hair was brownish-gold, he was so fair-looking and all I could say that he was just amazing with his personality. I could say he was closer to my age like around 16 to 18 years old."

"He said "Are you okay Miss?" his voice was so tempting, I said"Can you help me? I'm in a trouble." as I wanted to be with him so I made up my mind to tell him about me. He looked at my gown very sharply and asked" Are you a bride?" I quickly said " Yes, I am, I need you to help me as I don't like the marriage, my parents are forcing me to marry..." he said"Don't worry, I'll help you" and he held my hand and told me his name, " I am Harry". He took me to his house. He had a very big house. His parents saw me and thought that he eloped with me and were tensed. I wish that happened in reality. Harry explained everything and told that I need help. His parents didn't approve that if I will live with them, they may get into trouble that their son kidnapped me and said no. Harry convinced them and told me to stay in their farm house. Harry's mom came and gave me some clothes. I wore and slept in that farm house."

"The next day Harry came to meet me and asked me about my family and other stuff. We both liked the same things and I wished that I could be his wife. He was studying medicine that time, he used to even teach me some stuff when he was revising for his exams. When I was with him I was so happy that I was a girl. He encouraged me in all crazy stuff I do. It was really strange that we both met accidentally and become so close friends."

"My parents forgot about me but the groom was so furious on me. I hated it so much as he kept posters of me in the city and said I was missing and the reward for the person who finds me will be given $20,000. Harry saw the message and was worried about me. He rushed and said," Hey listen Jennie, they kept posters of you around the city, I guess you will be in trouble." I got scared and started crying, he saw me in tears, he couldn't bare that, he said something which changed my life. He said"You don't have to be someone's bride, if you want, you can be my bride Jennie." I stood up and said "Yes Harry, I would love to be your bride." He came close to me, he caught me and hugged me so tight that I could barely breath. Even I started hugging him and suddenly Harry's parents opened the door of the farmhouse and saw both of us hugging each other. Harry convinced his parents so badly that they accepted me as their daughter-in-law. They fixed our marriage date that was a week away. They made all the preparations and again I was 5 minutes away from the marriage. This time I was so happy, I felt that my smile would tear my face. My eyes were filled with happiness. I went to the church with him. They recited the marriage vows and finally I was his bride. It was the happiest moment of my life.... After 2 years I finally gave birth to a baby boy, his name was Johnathan. He was a year old and then, then things started to go very bad....."

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