We're here

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Getting out of the car with my carrion on my shoulder, I grabbed my suitcase from the back. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, thinking of the the adventure that laid ahead. Letting my suitcase glide noisily on the pavement, I reached the gate. It was big and looked heavy. I looked up to see the top curved like a wave. My siblings stormed through opening the gate quick and hard. The gate gave a loud, creek crackle pop, slam!!! "Hey!" Don't be braking things guys! None of this is ours!" My Dad called. "Be careful guys!" My Mom warned. Being the last kid to walk through the gate I gave great care not to make that awful creek crackle pop sound, but it was useless. No matter how hard I tried the gate just made the sound all on it's own. Looking up at the house I could feel it starting down at me, glaring... watching. Paying no attention to where I was going I tripped on a root that grew out from one of the side gardens onto the sidewalk making it imposable not to miss. The stairs leading to the porch were covered in vines. Weeds grew in the cracks, giving the house an ancient vibe. A pool was at the side of the house at the back porch where a grill and picnic benches sat waiting to be used. The pool had spotlights shining over it, making the water glimmer. When I got to the front door where my siblings were waiting I saw a screen door to the side connected to the dining room on my right and a patio curved around the house on my left. The door was locked and the house was dark. The air was warm and moist, I could hear crickets chirping all around me. I peaked through the doors window, curious to see what the place looked like. It was dark, but I could faintly make out a couch's' back faceing me, with another couch connecting to it making it surround the coffee table that stood in the middle. Between the couch and the coffee table stood a cabinet, that had to flab wood doors that swung out. I had assumed at the time it was full of books but later finding out it was a TV with about a million channels on it for a kid to explore. I turned around to see my parents walking side by side up the stairs. Ignoring that little voice inside me saying "turn back!" I gave my Mom a wide smile while I gave a little jump. I was excited beyond belief. I had never been to South Carolina before and I was planning on making the best of it. My Dad pulled a paper from his pocket and read a few numbers off. I pushed the buttons on the lock and the door made a clicking sound. This was it, we were going in. I grabbed my suitcase lifting it over the lip of the doorway frame dragging it on the hardwood floor of the living room. I searched for the main light, reaching for the switch closest to the doorway I turned off the spotlight that lit up the pool. Turning off the pool light turning on the porch light I finally found the main light in the beginning of the hallway that past along side the living room, closest to the kitchen. There was the two connecting couches with a fake fireplace that was obviously used to complete the look of the room. We all new it was too hot here all year round to need a fireplace. There were vases on either side of the fireplace filled with shells. There also was a wooden mantel that was also decorated with shells, much bigger in size. Next to the doorway, off to the side stood a stool with a basket on it, in which we used it for holding car keys. Next to the basket lade a big book. It was filled with the stories and compliments of people who had rented the house in the past. Next to the front door way was the kitchen that connected to the dining room where there was a sliding glass door. As you sat and ate your dinner had a perfect few of the pool. The patio that curved around the house hung right over the pool, if you weren't careful someone could just jump off and splash into the pool below. Past the kitchen and down the stairs was a TV room, and just next to that another kitchen. (We never used that one very much). One room was next to the TV room, it was the boys room. Past the kitchen was a family room and down the hall was one room to the left, that one Emily used. A bathroom with one more room on the other side. That room no one used. It was too cold, and different, no one wanted to go in there, and we never did unless we had to. The laundry room slash bathroom was not used a bunch. The only person who ever used it was my Dad but I never used that room as a replacement for a bathroom. If needed to go and both bathrooms were occupied, I waited. Up stairs were three bedrooms one was my parents one was Vanessa's and the other was mine. Both my parents and my bedroom both had connecting bathrooms. The sweet was my parents room and the room just across from them was my room, and the one that was just next to.my room was Nessa's. I pulled my suitcase down the hallway exploring the sweet I began to unpack hoping this room could be mine, but sadly my Dad kicked me out. The house gave me chills, so I decided to take the room closest to my parents for comfort. It felt silly, wanting the comfort of being as close to my parents as I could, being fifteen. I was practically a grown up, I wasn't five anymore. But the thought of being away from my parents made me feel uneasy, so I went ahead and walked down the hall to the room that would be mine. The door was wide open, beckoning me to enter. I walked in cautiously, there was an eerie feeling that accompanied it. The room was neat and the bed was made. On either sides of the bed were two dressers that were two feet tall. Lamps sat on top of them, that turned on and off by the flip of a light switch. The closet was the size of a wardrobe and was still practically empty by the time I had finished unpacking. At the foot of my bed was a bench, I used it to hold all my shoes, and sometimes to dry my wet clothes on. Laying on my bed I took a deep breath in, taking in the new aroma of the place. The bed was high of the ground and big enough it could fit about four people. My mom came in and smiled at me. "So," she said looking me room over. "this is your room?" "Yup!" I said laying back on my bed, doing a snow angle on the soft blankets. My mom giggled. "The blankets are so soft." I told her. Mom came over dragging her hand on my blankets. " Ooh they are." She said smiling at me. "I Like it here." I said sitting up and looking around at the room. "Yeah, it is nice isn't it?" I nodded. My mom turned around noticing the TV that sat on top of a fancy dresser used for decoration. "Do you think that works?" I asked. "I don't know." She said looking around for the remote. I stood up and walked over to help her look. "Oh, here it is." She said picking up a black remote from behind the TV. She handed it to me and then told me goodnight leaving me to the TV. I watched a couple movies but mostly it was all boring. Once my eyelids were starting to close by themselves I decided I'd go to sleep. I said my prayers and read my scriptures for a little bit before I wrote a few words in my journal it read.

Were finally here! I'm so excited! Cant wait for all the things were going to do this week. I hope we enjoy every minute here and use our time here wisely.

I fealt happy, content and ready for sleep. Putting down my journal next to my bed and turned out the lamp curling up into the soft warm blankets. Laying on my side I listened to the sound of the wind, but then I noticed another sound it was coming from the hallway. It sounds like shuffling, I thought looking over in that direction. But what I saw was unerving. It looked like something was tring to get in but it couldn't. I put my head back into my pillow and told myself it was nothing, but then I heard a very clear exhale right next to my ear. Terified I began to say a prayer in my head wanting all of this to go away, but then I felt fingers start tapping up my leg. I began to pray harder. I didn't know what else to do whatever it was, it was next to me and by the door I felt trapped. I prayed one last time and began to sing a hynm, and then it was gone. I felt safe again and I could finally fall asleep. I was glad it was over. There was something I had to tell my Dad, this house is haunted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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