Lauren: Hmmmm... Uncle Beam can we get the Cake and ice cream?
    She said still feeling shy.

Forth then smiled and nood to Beam as Beam look at him.

At first Beam don't what he will do as he feel awkward but he just follow his instincts and hold Lauren's hand as both of them walk to the kitchen.

After getting the cake and ice cream off the fridge Beam then have put them at the dinning table then help Lauren to sit on the chair as Forth is just standing beside the table while carrying baby Cooper with the baby carrier.

Beam: Is this enough?
    Beam asked as he put a slice of cake at the small plate and give it to Lauren, but at the end Beam decide to feed her as Beam realised that it will be messy if she ate all by herself.

Lauren: Uhmmm... Thank you uncle Beam.

Forth: Can I have too?
   He asked as he take a seat.
And that Beam also put a slice of cake on a small plate and give it to Forth.

.... Feed me too...

Beam: You are old enough to eat on your own.

Forth: But I'm carrying baby Cooper.

Beam: Here.
    Beam as he feed Forth too.

As they are silently eating Beam feeding Lauren and Forth, which sure Forth is enjoying the alibi that he cant eat alone even he actually can because Cooper is being support by the baby carrier.

Baby Cooper then start to cry louder and louder which makes Forth and Beam panic as they don't know what to do.

Lauren: Uncle I think Copper is hungry now, Mommy always make milk for him when he is hungry.
   She told them as she saw her uncles specially Forth trying hard to make Cooper stop from crying.

Beam: Oh the baby milk formula!!
   Beam said as he run to the living room where the bag filled with the things for the kids are.

..... Forth!! How many scoops of milk should I use?

Forth: I think you should use all that .
   Forth said as he saw Beam holding the already measured milk powder on the container.

Beam: What bottle should I use? The small one or this fat one?

Lauren: Mommy just use the small one if he is only drinking water.
   She told Forth.

Forth: Use the fat one babe!
    Forth said as he is rocking Cooper as he is still crying.

Beam then hurried and mixed the baby milk formula with the mineral water that already inside the baby bottle and shake it fast as he run back to the kitchen.

Beam: Here... Don't cry na Cooper.
    Beam said as he hand the baby bottle to Forth as Forth feed Cooper who finally stop from crying.

Lauren: After he eats he will doodie.

Beam: Doodie?
   Beam asked in confusion.

Lauren: Uhmmm..
   She just said as she nods.

And Beam just left confused what is doodie as Forth is so focus on watching Cooper finish his milk.

As Lauren finish eating her ice cream and cake Forth then hand baby Cooper who just finish drinking his milk to Beam as Forth is the one who clean the table and the dishes.

Introvert meets Extrovert. (ForthxBeam "Fanfic" story)Where stories live. Discover now