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an- louis' thoughts [inner voices] are in italics! c: x

            Left arm, right arm, left arm, right arm and don't stop kicking otherwise you might sink to the bottom and people will look at you. Louis constantly reminded himself at the same time gliding through the water. Bad enough he almost hit his head on the floor of the pool when first diving in. Note to self - check which end is shallow before getting in the water.

            Each time Louis would lift his head to the side a couple of drops of water would fall on his tongue. Yet he managed to ignore the fact more people have peed in the pool than he had talked to himself. Louis liked to swim - it'd clear his head and let him either think or have arguments with himself over debating whether to get back with his ex-husband or not; though it would be an almost brilliant idea not to seeing as though he'd blow up all Louis' stuff; one of the downsides to marrying a man who works with explosions.

            As Louis reached the end of the pool, he did what all other professional swimmers do - flipping and twisting his body through the water before attempting to push himself off the wall. Yet, he was too close giving him the perfect reason of hitting his ankle on the very edge of the pool's wall.

Ugh, you're an embarrassment, Louis. He told himself - giving up on trying to swim another lap and instead just settled for pushing himself above the thin sheet of water. Though as his head reached air, his shoulders caught under the ropes in which divided the lanes of the pool. As usual, he was so clumsy and stupid while everyone around him wouldn't care to look away and hide their snickers. You should just give up, seriously, Louis; you don't even know why you try.

            Though as Louis continued having doubtful thoughts about what he does in his life outside the hospital, he attached himself to the cold tiles glued on the wall of the pool - crossing his arms in front of his chest. Resting his wet head between them, he quickly took off his pink goggles while trying not to become too embarrassed or even clumsier with all the eyes on him.

            The only thing you can do is smile and hope they all go away, Lou.

            And that's exactly what he did.


            "You're doing so well, Alice; just keep pushing." Louis reminded the stressed out, screaming girl lying on the hospitals bed - legs open and face red. This wasn't really the glamorous part of delivering babies, according to Louis; with all the screaming, swearing women getting angry at their husbands as they "did this" to them. Sometimes Louis is more than grateful for not having a vagina.

            "I can see the head; you're doing great; just keep breathing for me." Louis said again, knowing one of the main keys of keeping a screaming pregnant lady settled is to calm her with reassuring and well processed words. Louis looked between her legs as he usually would do, having the other midwife; Zayn to help and make sure everything went along well.

            Less than ten minutes later and the little baby was free - in Louis' arms as Zayn got a towel to wrap around the crying beauty. Curious to what the sex the baby was, Louis looked down and saw the female's part. He then held the small human up with a big smile to welcome her into a new place. Welcome to the world, baby. Enjoy your life and try not to be as helpless as me.

            Zayn wrapped the white towel around the little girl while taking her and handing her over to the mum. Louis watched with a smile as he saw both the father and mother fond over the little thing. He pressed his back against the wall - tilting his head until his scalp did the same. This always made Louis happy - delivering babies. No one really understood why pulling something as big as a watermelon out of some random lady's vagina meant so much to him. But to Louis it was like he was the first one the baby would see - the first person in this world of over five-million to greet him or her. Plus it was a bonus to see the parents start to love and adore their child as soon as they were able to hold the little thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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