Ch.7 windows and locked doors

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"You fucking slut, heard you had an abortion, of course you would. Can't have much of a life with a baby could you? But then again only heartless skanks get abortions."
I woke up, my face was streaming with tears. You know that feeling when your about to cry but you really don't want to? I really liked to save my tears do after school, sink walked over to my bathroom and put on mascara, forcing myself not to cry.
It was raining today, my breath fogged up the car window and I drew a little mountain from it.  I wanted to quickly get inside, not wanting to get wet but then i spotted a blue Camaro drive in, and none other than Brittney Hamilton got out of it.  I was pretty much frozen in place, but then I heard the bell ring, and I snapped out of it. That's all that I could think about all day, did Brittney run me over? Did she despise me enough to kill me? What if she did it again? Only this time she doesn't fail. Should I report it? Who would even believe me?
"Hey!" A hand waved in front of my face
I blinked and looked over at Grayson looking at me with wide eyes "you Ok?"
"Yeah um I'm fine"
"Serenity... you don't have to pretend."
"I'm okay, really you don't have to worry."
I tapped my nails on my notebook and looked at the clock 12:35 ten minutes to lunch, is still sat with Savannah though Grayson tries continually to try and get me to sit with him, but there's no way I'll give Brittney another reason to run me over. Again.
I'm almost  positive that  is was Brittney that ran me over because the more I think about it, if you run someone over you usually stop the car to see if their alive  then call the ambulance, but that didn't happen, she wanted me to die on the street.
I really hated being afraid of someone, so was basically glued to either Grayson's side or Savannah's side, because I really didn't want to be alone.
After Math Grayson asked what I would be doing tonight, probably busy being depressed.
"Um nothing much just homework and stuff"
"Give me your address."
"Oh no my parents are not gonna like that."
"I'm not gonna go through the door." He said that like it was obvious.
I gave him my address " if you get caught, we are both going to be in deep shit."
Later that night around 9:00 there was a knock on my window. And Grayson was there with is stupid grin I laughed and opened the window he climbed in and in the process somehow got his feet all tangled up and he fell right on his face. I burst out laughing and covered my mouth, he got up and dusted himself off and proceeded to jump into my bed and said "so what are we gonna do?"
I thought about it for a minute before locking the door.
"Ooooo, kinky"
I smacked him
I brought out my computer and got onto Netflix "Move over" I said shoving him and I layed next to him
We scrolled through movies before finally deciding on Lord of the Rings.
"So what do we do now?" I asked when the movie was over.
"Go to sleep." He shrugged
"A sleepover?" "I swear Grayson I'm going to be in so much trouble."
"No it's ok I'll sneak back out in the morning."
I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep in his arms.

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