two ; lexi

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"Ms. Kage, your father is sending you his dearest apologies— message deleted. You have sixteen new messages." I hung the phone up and slammed it down. I ran my hand through my dark hair and chewed my bottom lip, mentally counting to ten. My best friend, who sat in the passenger seat next to me, sighed.

Reluctantly, she said, "Maybe you should talk to him, Lex, I mean—"

"Remy, he couldn't even call me himself. The fucking coward had to get one of his slaves to do it. He is absolutely unbelievable." I said and turned off the engine, taking a drink of my blueberry lemonade.

Remy knew I wasn't mad at her. She knew I had a temper, but it would never be aimed at her. At this point, she was my only go to for anything.

Out of instinct, I turned the radio to the 97.1 FM channel, the familiar voices calming me a bit.

Remy knew that I wasn't going to change my mind, at least not now, so she had no choice but to listen. "So, what are you gonna do? What's the plan?"

"That's more like it." I said, more to myself, and listened to the radio a bit more, waiting to see if something interesting would pop up. I began to go through scenarios in my head. "Me quitting wouldn't really affect him. He could just hire another financer. I need to talk to PR and..."

My voice trailed off as I heard the name Otto Corp on the radio.

Otto Corp.

Why did that name sound so familiar? Alarms went off in my head as I turned it up a bit to listen closer.

"Have you gotten actual word from Debra and Charles about their son's incident this time?" A semi judgmental voice questioned.

"Charlie is going to do what he wants no matter what. I personally believe that the only reason Otto Corp hasn't passed Kage Industries is because of Charlie Puth's nonsense. If Angelo Kage's daughter acted anywhere near how Charlie Puth acts, Kage Industries wouldn't stand a chance."

The other person laughed. "How? Kage receives more advertisers and sponsors."

"Why do you think that is? It's because of his clean slate. Otto Corp has Charlie's less than perfect social status riding them, but they have the expertise."

"I guess it's truly about the publicity these days, huh Jim?"

I shut off the radio.

"That was... rude?" Remy said unsurely, studying my expression. Smirking, I looked at Remy with a glint in my eye. "Or... you got a plan?" She said, sitting up, eager for the news, but after I told her, she was horrified.

"Oh my god Lexi, tha-that is insane!" She stopped to think, but shook her head, her hair bouncing almost theatrically. "How are you going to pull this off? No, no, no, no, no. Better, how the hell are you going to live it down?"

I started up the engine of my truck, and with a crazier glint in my eye, I drove out of the parking lot we were in. "We're taking a trip to the electronics store."

Otto Corp was Angelo Kage's biggest competitor, and the only reason his company stayed ahead was because he cheated his way through. Doxing would, of course, be the easier way out; I could just leak some info without getting myself involved, but doxing him wouldn't even work. He has so many people out there to cover his mess and vouch that he was innocent. Plus, doxing could be easily faked and just as easily thrown aside.

But with what I had planned, it couldn't be simply thrown aside. No, this is going to destroy him and I'm going to make sure of it.

When I was back in my apartment alone, I called Remy.

"Do you have eyes?" I asked her, referring to her part of the job.

"Yeah, their assistant is over here." She paused. "Okay, go up to him, show him the paper, and ask for locations on Charlie Puth." She sighed into the phone. "Easy. I'll text you when I get the info."

"You're the best Remy." I hung up the phone and turned to Butch and Joe, the two guys I had in on the deal. "Kidnapping is illegal. If all doesn't go to plan, people could press charges. But if there's anything I've learned from my boss, it's how to cover up crimes. It's going to be in and out. The truck is de-plated and is getting a darker tint. The hotel is secured. Your names aren't going to be mentioned and your pay will be wired discretely to your bank accounts. Sound okay?"

They both silently nodded.

"Alright." I did a mental run through of the plan, making sure it was solid. I didn't give myself time to think if this was stupid or not, because I might've talked myself out of it. I couldn't let any soft emotions come through; I had to get it done.

I ordered the two to arrive at the position and checked my watch.

1:39 PM.

At two o'clock, we were on the move. I was feeling surprisingly calm, but then again, I wasn't thinking at all. My mind was so focused on getting everything done that I almost missed Puth.

But I didn't. He was there, taking his usual route to the gym with not a single bodyguard or other person in sight. It seemed almost too easy as I watched him take the shortcut through the alley we were set up in. He ran a hand through his thick brown hair, put in earbuds, and began jogging. He was at a steady pace, but it was slow so grabbing him wouldn't be hard.

For a split second my nerves started to mess with me. My hands started to fidget with themselves as I chewed my bottom lip.

Get your fucking head in the game, Lexi, I think forcefully, taking a deep breath. It was definitely too late to turn back as I watched him pass up the truck, setting the plan into motion. Quietly, Butch and Joe got out of the truck and made their way towards him in long strides. The earbuds were a plus, since he couldn't hear their approach.

The grab was clean and swift, and Puth was hardly able to fight back against the 6'5" men. Butch gagged him and covered his head with a sack, while Joe bound him and threw him in the back like planned. Butch's job here was finished, so he nodded to me and went his separate ways, getting in the burner car and driving off. Joe joined me in the front seat and I cranked the car.

"Shit." I sighed in relief and started driving to the warehouse, remembering that my job was nowhere near over. I took the shades and wig from the back seat and secured the disguise while Joe lowered his hat.

Through the drive to the warehouse, a bit of anxiety started to creep in, but I couldn't let it, not now. What I was planning was probably insane, yes, but it was my final chance at taking everything he loves like he did to me. Angelo doesn't deserve what he has anymore. Just the thought of him sleeping well after what he's done made my jaw clench. After this, I'm sure he's going to hear me loud and clear, and I pray that he never forgets that his failure of a child ruined him.

Other precautions were taken, switching cars and plates and taking care of Puth's phone, before we actually arrived at the warehouse. Joe retrieved Puth from the back, and even though he wasn't struggling as much anymore, if he could talk clearly, I'm sure he'd be saying some pretty unfriendly things.

"Shut him up." I ordered, Joe taking his fingers and pressing against his carotid artery. I knew he wasn't going to stay out for long, so I told Joe to act promptly before he woke up and caused more issues. As if on que, as soon as he was secured in the chair, he woke up.

He struggled against the bonds for half of a second before realizing that he was not getting out.

At least the kid is smart, I thought before waving Joe away since this was his final part of the job. He nodded, but he looked almost concerned for me. He hesitated for a split second, but was out the door the next. I turned back to the hooded guy in front of me; the task at hand.

This was it. 

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