Too Much ~.^

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Sneak Peak One ~ Too Much

I should've known better

I could've done better

(Mabye Possibly by Megan and Liz)

'I'm totally clueless. Always have been, always will be. So trust me when I say, welcome to the kingdom of the clueless.

Brown hair. Green eyes. Brilliant smile. Flat-bill hat backwards. Like I said, I'm totally clueless. I have no idea how I missed him. Taylor, his name is Taylor. Such an amazingly hot guy.

Yeah, I know, I could've done better with that. But hey, I'm a sixteen year old teenager. What do you expect?'

Page has always been a innocent girl at heart. She never flirted with guys, they were always her friends. She never crushed on any guys, only movie stars. She was always that ball full of energy that brought light to everything but sometimes got annoying. She always daydreamed about her 'prince charming', but he never had a face.

So what is she supposed to do when she starts having dreams that she isn't supposed to be having? She seems to be caught in the middle of real and daydream, and this all starts with one guy saying hi to her the first day she was in Florida with her church.

This is the story of what Page went through and what happens to her on this crazy week that is supposed to be all about God, not boys. Right?

What will happen with Page and Taylor? Will it be just a silly crush or will it be more? Will it crush her? Will it help her break out of her shell? Or will it be Too Much for her to handle?

Too Much ~ What happened to little Miss Innocent?


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