Looking For Friend's.

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Hiya! This is constantly on my mind and would like some advice please.

Side note* i'm wide awake in the middle of the night writing this so mind my spelling mistake's and annoying autocorrect, thank's.

Originally i have a main account on here which i have had since 2015 that i never use so long time lurker.. newly poster i guess. i was going to post this on my main but do not wish to worry friend's is all.

To understand me better, i'm a home-schooled young gal from England, i have fair-ish long hair which practically touches my bellybutton followed by big blue eye's. I'm quite tall and well spoken by people's word's. i often get compared to one of those bizarre "Living doll's" you see on the tele because of my feature's.. Everyone describe's my personality as friendly, open minded and creative.Long story short i was in and out of the hospital a lot as a kid because only LATER in life i discovered that i am a celiac. (Look it up) as much as i got out and about i kinda never really HAD a childhood because of the constant trip's of going back and forth to the doctor's..  i never truly had the chance to make friend's if you understand. When i was a little older i made a few friend's. As time went on i lost some friend's.. either they moved away, their parent's had a divorce and so on, basically it was no one's fault here. The friend's i did still have.. well, they used to steal or break stuff from my house when my back was turned, they'd eat all the food in the house, insult or make fun of me at my own parties- stuff like that. One chick i knew out of all the YEAR'S we had been friend's since we were toddlers she long story short threw something at my face causing my lip to split wide open, i had heavy blood dripping down my chin and her? She acted if NOTHING had just happened. One day i sat myself down as i thought to myself "Why AM i friend's with these people?" i said i'd rather have no friend's than friend's that treat me this horrid way. i stopped making an effort to talking to them, blocked them on all media as well as changing my number which all worked. i was so glad, i felt as if a huge weight had been taken off my shoulder's. 

Well it's been year's since then.. i'm older and more wise to whom actual friend's are and i'd love to make new friend's, as i said before i'm described as friendly and have never had trouble making friend's i just don't know where or how to meet new people is all.. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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Looking For Friend's. // Advice Needed!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu