Curves // Tom Hiddleston

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Can we pretend for a little while that Benedict Cumberbatch isn't married? Thanks! 


Fallon ran her fingers through my hair, my face in her lap, trying to stop the tears from falling. "You're gorgeous." 

"He broke up with me because I couldn't lose the weight, Fal." I groaned. "I'm going to be alone forever." 

"Y/N, your hips are the envy of absolutely everyone." She pressed. "Just because one douche bag in the world is blind to that doesn't mean anything." 

My best friend rolled me off her lap and made me look at her. "You want a man who's able to appreciate all he has when he has you. You're real. You're brilliant. You're dazzling." She opened her arms up to me and I entered them easily, letting my tears roll down my cheeks. "I love you, baby girl. That jerk didn't deserve you." 

It had been a few months since Jake, and I still felt ugly in my own skin. It's hard enough building up your belief in yourself when you're surrounded by loving friends and family who tell you that you're lovely the way that you are, but having someone that I cared about tell me that I was an embarrassment to be seen with shattered my self-image. 

I had tried to lose the weight for him. I really had. I knew in my heart that it wasn't right, but I wanted to stop feeling inadequate. But no matter how many of my favorite foods I avoided, or how many short runs that I went on, it wasn't enough for Jake.  It always bothered him that he couldn't get his hands to meet  around my waist. 

Now, despite everyone telling me that I was better off without him, and even knowing myself that no real man would treat a lady with such contempt, I couldn't help but feel like I had to apologize to everyone who raised an eyebrow in my direction. Fallon had worked hard to get me back out into the world, but I would never tell her how I felt on the inside. She was perfect, and she would never understand what it was to feel like every person who looked at you was laughing once their back was turned. 


"Fal, I can't." 

"Y/N, you have got to be kidding me." Fallon rolled her eyes and grabbed my hands. "This is a huge deal! Do you know what kinds of people go to these galas?" 

"Pretentious ones?" 

"Famous ones!" She corrected me excitedly.  "Charities like these get massive support from celebrities. Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch will be there!" She giggled to herself. 

I cracked a small smile. "Aren't you going with Charlie?" 

"Well, I was supposed to. He's the one who made the donation. But he got called out of town on an emergency business venture or something." She huffed,looking away from me, and I could tell how much she missed her fiance. He was always being called out of town, his father trying to prep him as much as possible to take over the family business. He wanted to be able to take care of his wife once they were married, and I admired how committed he was to giving her the life that he thought she deserved. I think he missed the fact that all Fallon wanted was him to be home more often. My friend regained her bubbly smile as quickly as she lost it. "Anyways, Charlie won't be there. So that means that I have a plus one! Please please please won't you come with me?" 

"Fal, I don't have anything to wear to a fancy gala like this. You know that. And I hate cameras." 

"No cameras in the actual party," She swore, putting a hand over her heart. "I promise, babe. Press is confined to the one entrance only. And as for the dress..." She smiled mischievously and reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small glittering piece of plastic. "I may or may not have snagged one of Charlie's credit cards." 

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