You love his idea.

The ally is now clustered with open trash bags and wood splinters.

You laugh as you run from wall to wall, throwing as you are moving. He does the same. He seems to enjoy destruction with you.

You think you are enjoying this too much. You laugh and wave the knife and slash dumpsters and scrape the walls. Reckless.


You snap out of your little dream world and turn to the source of the voice. It wasn't Anti, because he looks behind you.

You turn around, and see two figures. Both men, wearing black, and hands shoved in their pockets. You can't see their faces, but their voices are low.

One of them has a gravely voice. "You're in our territory. What're you two lovebirds doin' in our alleyway, huh? Trying to find a place to-" He makes certain gestures. The two men share laughs.

You grasp your knife in your hands so tight, your knuckles turn white. You take a step forward, but Anti comes and puts an arm in front of you. His expression is not what you'd expect it to be. It's calm. While you're here ready to tear these guy's throats out.

Anti puts his arm down and stumbles over to the men. Stumbling. Not walking. What is he, drunk?

He laughs with them, shocking you of his reaction. "Sorry, we didn't know this ally was already claimed." His voice lowers and raises up and down, and he approaches them. "We were just... strolling down the street, had maybe one or eight drinks, felt a little..." he lowers his voice. "Frisky..." He laughs distortedly. His stance is unbalanced and swaying. "We just wanted a nice quiet place to... get along..."

He's playing something off. And you don't know how to react.

He laughs some more and stumbles over his own feet, falling into the second man, putting an arm around his shoulder to steady himself. Anti whispers into the man's ear, "ya know what I mean?"

The man looked shaken, but then he glances towards you. Anti points a finger at you, then points to the ground beside him. You cautiously obey him.

Anti sighs and rests the side of his head on the top of the man's. "She's a looker, ain't she?"

They all look at you. And you feel exposed for some reason.

The first man huffs, "Yeah... I wouldn't mind having a round or two with her, if ya know what I mean?" The three of them chuckle.

Anti puts an arm around your shoulders and puts his weight on you, almost dragging you to the ground.

"It's a good time, yeah," Anti says. Though he knows well the only thing the two of you have done together was sleep shirtless. In a bed. Together. Covered in... blood...

"I'll tell ya what," Anti walks in between the men. "I'm gonna make you a deal. You two let us off the hook, no ass-kicking or any of that shit," Anti swings his arm out drunkenly. He then puts both hands on either man's shoulder and whispers in their ears. "And I'll let each of you spend some 'quality time' with my little kitten, here."

You shoot him a look of terror. He sees it in the corner of his eyes, but he doesn't return the gaze. He just looks at the two men who seem pleased by the offer.

He can't be serious.

The first man looks at you, and now you can sort of see his features. An non-age specific face, scruffy beard, crooked teeth, and a slightly glowing cigarette in his mouth. He smiles, and his eyes don't leave yours when he says, "Deal."

MANIPULATED Book A (Sequel to Tempted)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα