First Sight

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I drove with my car to my new destination so I can start a new life there. This time I'm going to use my real name Isabella Masen. I was wearing my favorite shirt-sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture.

In the Olympic Peninsula of Northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exist under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and it's gloomy, omnipresent shade that my parents escaped with me when I was only a few months old. If was in this town that my mother gave birth to me. This was also the town that brought me and my family to live in Illinois, Chicago next to my husband family The Masens.

The first day me and my family were in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Masen invite us for a dinner with them and their son Edward jr. that soon become my best friend. As we grew older me and Edward began to fall in love with each other. He's my first everything. Soon enough, I we become Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anthony Masen. It was the best day if my life. I can't even describe the honeymoon but it was magical. When we got home we got a shocking news that make me cry.


"Mother.. father... We're home!" I yell for them, suddenly there's a knock in the front door, I open the door there's a man standing there

"Are you Ms. Swan.. I mean Mrs. Isabella Masen?" The man asked

"Yes, I am Isabella Masen. What are you doing here?" I asked the man sounding a bit rude

"I am sorry Ms. I have to inform you that both of your parents and your father in-law is dead, the three of them is infected by the Spanish-influenza and you mother in-law is in the hospital because she was also infected by them.." he said to me looking at me with sympathy

"Thank you, for your information you can go now" I told him, after I closed the door a went inside I broke down and cry

"Bella, what happen? why are you crying?" He asked me looking worriedly at me

" Is.. Is.." Before I could finished the sentence, Edward cut me off

"Is what Bella, what happen with our parents?" Looking concerned and worried

"Is.. in the hos..pi.tal." I told him why I cry harder, he just wrap his arm around me,put me on his lap and we cry together.

[end of flashback]

Edward start to take care of his mother in the hospital, me helping him as much as we can. We're both still mourning for the lost of our parents.


Edward was coughing some blood.

"Edward are you okay?" I asked him concerned

"I'm fine Bella just a bit faint.." he said to me before he faint

"Noo.. It couldn't be.. Edward wake up! Stay with me please! DOCTOR!!" I yell for the doctor, the doctor and nurse brought Edward to one I the room and tell me to wait outside. after what I said was hours, the doctor finally come out of the room

"Doctor, how is he?" I asked worried and concerned taking over me

"I'm sorry ms he is infected with the Spanish-influenza and he won't last long, just a few day I think" the doctor told me before he went to check other patients, I got in to Edward and Elizabeth room,, I went to Edward and just broke down.

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