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Until I got a call from an unknown number
" hello? Who am I speaking with?" I asked
" hey Maya it's me Serris, I just wanted to apologise for not telling you that Sean is my brother and I wanted to thank you for bringing him back" she spoke
"It's all good Serris but I didn't do any—" I said but she cut me off
" I saw you Maya and the fact that my brother thinks it was Maddie is so not right" she argued
" Okok I may have kissed him but you can't tell him it was me" I begged
" alright, well the girls are here with me and we wanted to ask you if we could come over?" She asked
"Sure I kinda need some company" I giggled
" we're on our way

1 hour later
     Ding donggg

"Comingggg" I shouted

I opened the door to see the whole squad and Serris with ice cream, chocolate and movies
"Guys what's going on?" I asked
" oh uhm nothing?" Gabe said unsure
" well come in" I said letting them all in
" sooo Maya how are you doing?" Nat asked
" I'm good... is there something you guys wanna tell me"? I asked
"Well.... yeah.... Kaycee you tell her" josh said
"Why me.. ugh... fine... Babe uhm... how do I put this ... well Maya you know you said that you wanna forget about someone... turns out he's already forgotten about you" she said in a rush
" wait what do you mean?" I asked confused
"Charlize show her " josh said

 turns out he's already forgotten about you" she said in a rush " wait what do you mean?" I asked confused "Charlize show her " josh said

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Seanlew: finally glad she's mine
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"Oh" I said
" Maya we're sorry" they all apologised
" you guys weren't the fault I was the one that said that it was Maddie but I'm fine I promise" I said shaking
"Weeelllll that's why we brought all this for youuu" Tati said
" you guys know what let's have the time of our lives tonight" I said grinning
"POOL PARTY" Will shouted
"AYEEEE" Josh and Ken shouted back

We had the best night of our lives. We all snapped a lot and then Gabe went live btw I held his phone and read the comments out. We then later played never have I ever and we filmed a video.
Next day
I woke up to the whole squad shouting like crazy so I ran downstairs
" what's wrong did anyone break in?" I screamed holding a bat
"NO MUCH BETTER" Bailey cried
"Huh?" I asked confused
" well there is good news and bad news" josh said
" Good news First" i jumped
" Alexander Chung just asked us if we wanted to come with him to Boston to perform with him" Nat screamed
"OMGGGGG GOALSSSS Wait what's the bad news" I questioned
" Sean is coming" Julian said
" oh, oh, um it doesn't matter I mean it's not like I have to share a room with him" I laughed
" weeeeeelllllll" Char said
" I have to share a room with him don't I" i said falling on the couch
" yes, but we promise it's gonna be fun" Will yelled
"Ok ok so when do we leave" I asked
" we leave in 3 weeks" Kenneth said
" that's coo" I said going to the kitchen

I made breakfast and then Alex called saying we needed to come over to learn the choreography and all that so we got ready and I drove the squad to the studio
" Hey Guys, go glad you could make it" Alex said hugging all of us
" we're glad we could get the opportunity to perform with you" I said smiling
" well come on guys Sean is already waiting" Alex said
" oh boyyyy" I whispered
" we got you m" Kaycee whispered

We approached the room and my heart was beating like crazy. The first person I thing  was maddie and Sean making out
„Uhum" kaycee coughed
"Ohhh Sorry" Sean chuckled
" what is she doing here?"Maddie asked disgusted
"SHE has a name and Alex invited me here" I spat
" Hey settle down girls, Maddie I'm gonna ask you to please wait outside because I need to discuss something with them" Alex said politely
" I don't get why you didn't ask Maddie to join us instead of her" Sean said throwing shade

I wanted to get up and tell him what's on my mind but Kaycee and Tati held me back
"So we're gonna have a group dance and for the more exciting news. There is gonna be a love story and in this Hat there are pieces of paper and if you pull a paper out with something drawn or written on it you're out but if you pull a paper without anything on it you get the Duett oh and btw don't tell anyone what paper you pulled until I say let's start" Alex smiled

Everyone pulled and I got a piece of paper with nothing. Oh boy I hope I get Julian or Gabe I was thinking a lot until I fell off the chair
" WOAHHH what was that for" I said pretending to be mad
" you weren't listening sorry" Tati grinned
" so as I was saying who got the blank papers?" Alex said excited
I stood up closing my eyes and hoping it was Gabe or Juls
" uh oh" Julian said
So I opened my eyes to see Sean also standing
" um Alex can't Kaycee do it... i mean I'm not feeling well" I lied
" no that'll be unfair to the others sorry hun... so the story is about forbidden love. You're all alone and all of a sudden he comes wandering and you both fall in love with each other. But it's impossible because he lives in the kingdom where there is war between yours and THAT is where the others come in and try to separate you too but it's impossible because you guys kiss" he said
I started coughing like crazy
" wwwwhat? Ddddid you just say kiss?" I asked
" yea" Alex grinned
" so the best part is you both are allowed to choreograph the Duett  and later we'll start the group dance okay" he said

Oh boyyyyy I'm so nervous

I hope you liked this one
This is actually the longest Chapter

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