Am i the side girl?

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I woke up to the sound of voices whispered something so I opened my eyes and noticed it was the squad. They were all smiling so hard I just groaned and got out of bed
"Do you want breakfast?" I asked them
"Yeh sure" they all said walking down with me
"So what happened last night?" Julian asked
"Nothing" I said walking to the kitchen
I made scrambled eggs, toast and pancakes and the squad literally ate it in 5 minutes. We talked about what we wanted to do today
"Hey let's go to Disney world" Gabe screamed
"That's a great idea" I said and the others nodded
"What are we waiting for let's go get dressed" josh said
*In my room*

"Sean? Get up" I said shaking him
"Hmmmm" he mumbled
"Sean get up we're going to Disney world" I said getting on top of him and kissing him on the lips
He deepened the kiss and said I'm coming Maddie
I got up and got ready as Sean got up he tried to kiss me but I just walked away. I went downstairs to the living room and just sat there
"What's wrong M?" Kenneth asked
"He called me Maddie" I said laughing bitterly
"Do we need to do anything?" Bailey asked
"No, it's fine let's have fun today" I said smiling
Sean came downstairs dressed and he said he had a question for us and that we'd promise not to get mad
"I invited Maddie to come with us because she felt alone" he said
" That's not a question anymore Sean" Kaycee said rolling her eyes
" it's fine, are we meeting her there?" I asked
"No she should be here about now " he said
The bell rang and I opened the door and it was Maddie I smiled at her and she fake smiled back
Julian brought his van so we could all fit inside butttt only one person could fit so I told Maddie to go in and that I'll get my car
"Julian should I lead or you?" I asked
"You should lead" he said
"Fine just don't Drive Slow" i smiled
I hopped into my Ferrari and I lead the way

In julians car

Sean and Maddie were cuddling in the back and Kaycee decided to call me
"Maya are you okay" she asked
"Um I'm fine " she assured

We noticed that Maya just driving with speed and I was still with her on the phone

"What's wrong with maya? She's driving so fast" Bailey asked
"I'm pretty sure she can't drive" Maddie laughed and Sean laughed with her making us all look at him
"Maya please slow down" Kaycee said on the phone
" I'm driving so slow" she said laughing

We finally arrived at Disney world maya came up to us
"Hey Guys uhm I'll be right back so don't worry about me" she said getting into her car
" Guys should we be worried?" Charlize asked
" no she probably wants us to have fun without her" Maddie said

We went to the rides and tried to have fun because it's not the same without maya

Maya's POV
I went into Disney world 2 hours later and I started walking around. Then I noticed a boy with silver black hair so I continued walking and then I saw what i didn't want to see
I saw him kissing Maddie... was he using me? Did he really like me? Before I knew it I dragged the necklace out of my neck and threw it on the floor and left Disneyworld
I went into my car and drove off. I went out of the city but I didn't care I just drove

Meanwhile at Disneyland

"Where the hell is Maya!" Kaycee shouted
"Um she was here and then she left all of a sudden" Maddie said
"Why did she leave???" Ken asked
"Well me and Seanie were making out and she saw us" Maddie said looking all innocent
"Fuck" Sean whispered
"Yes Fuck Sean" Tati growled
"Guys let's go back to her house maybe she's there because she's not answering my calls" Julian and Nat said
So they drove to my house and since Kaycee was my bestie I gave her a spare key

They got in and started looking for Maya but she was no where to be found
"This is all your fault Sean" Bailey hissed
"I'm sorry" Sean said
"Sorry isn't going to bring her back is it?" Josh shouted
And then suddenly.......

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