chapter 10- we will meet again

Start from the beginning

" I won't kill thou easily. Thou will pray me to kill thee." and he disappeared in black smoke.

Suddenly a voice came from the woods. " Won't thou stop me". I ran towards the sound. The sound was surely of Dark Heart's voice. The woods appeared darker and more sinister. The tree how were green were now dead and twisted with no leaves. The silence was thick to the point of  being tangible. The quietness was gnawing me, when suddenly a raspy voice said " Here I am".

The voice came from another clearing. I ran towards it. It was just a patch of land with no trees and dead grass. A faint voice came to my ears like faint memory. In front of me something was shimmering. Like a human form. It came near. I was ready to strike when I herd a laughter. A girlish laughter...

The sound brought back memories of one specific person who really cared for me. The person who died in vain. Whose death broke my heart. The only girl that I gave my heart to. Priya.

She emerged from behind the trees. Her black hair swaying in the wind. Her eyes looking at me playfully. Her white dress flowing eloquently around her. She started moving towards me with a smile on her pretty face.

My mind went into a clash. One side said that she was dead, so how could she be here. But one side said she was there in front of me. She was there and so she could be alive. My armour dematerialized, and I was strangely attracted to her.

She raised her hand to hold mine and I raised mine to hold hers. Our fingers were a breath apart...when a sharp pain impaled my chest and ripped my heart. I looked down to see what was it and saw a tip of a dagger jutting out from my heart. I looked towards Priya, but she was gone. My armour was trying to form itself but could not due to the dagger. The pain was so much that I fell on my knees.

A raspy laughter echoed around me." Poor boy thought the dead could come alive. The girl is dead. And you will be too. But did you like the dagger." he asked giggling " Oh!Sorry its in your chest." he started laughing again." Is there some problem with your armour. Wait let me see it." he started walking towards me. His lips turned in an evil smile.

He brought his fingers between my collar bones and hooked it to my armour. Then he hooked his other hand's fingers to the backside of the armour. " It will hurt like hell" he laughed and started yanking the armour from my skin. The armour was connected to my skin. It was like ripping my skin.

" Noooo...." I screamed with pain and he started using more force. Then with one mighty force he ripped my armour of and with it my skin. Blood flooded out from me. Pain was so much that I was loosing consciousness. My sight was becoming misted. My body felt numb. In front of me my sword fell on the ground but in two pieces and with that my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes once again but I found that I was not in the forest anymore. Around me there was nothing but darkness. The only light came was above me, else nothing was visible. I looked down to see my wounds and found they were not there. My wounds couldn't have healed so soon.

" Welcome" a voice boomed in front of me. It was like a Cong struck with a giant hammer. The voice seemed to come from in front of me.

" Who are you? Where am I?"

" I am you. And you are me. And we are in your minds darkest part. I know you have millions of questions but you must hurry. The man man outside is way stronger" The voice said.

" Okay. But who is that guy and how is he so strong? And how can I fight him if I can't even defend myself "

" You can't , not alone you have to use my powers." The voice pleaded.

" Why do I believe you ?"

" Cause you have no choice. The power I could give could at lest help you in staying alive ." he still sounded pleading.

" No! I won't run. How ever you are let me go back." Suddenly a very fast wind blew and I opened my eyes to see dark trees and forest land. The pain returned but now it was bare able. In front of me my armor was lying on the ground. I tried to get up to see what was around me. But my vision was blur an my feet were staggering.

"Ah! Look who is awake." the raspy voice mocked. I felt him moving towards me. His dark aura crawling over my flesh increasing the pain. He appeared in front of me, but he was not alone. Someone else was there too. The man was holding a girl in his arm. She was struggling but he kept her still. A dagger was in his write hand and its tip was touching the girls neck. The girl was sobbing quietly.

As my vision cleared I saw that the girl was non other than Priya. She was crying. Tears were trickling down her cheek. She was terrified.

" Look at her. Smell her. Couldn't you smell her fear." He inhaled loudly." Oh! Its intoxicating. To bad she will die." He licked her cheek. I still felt weak, but his action were infuriating me. I tried to move one step.

" don't move boy else she will suffer a lot of pain." he poked the tip a little more and the tip dipped in her flesh. A drop slid down the edge. She flinched because of pain, her eyes filled with tears. I tried to move again, but then he...

" Told thou." Priya mouthed 'help'. Then a slashing sound and a gasp came and the the forest became quite again. With a thud her head fell on the ground...

This broke me. I was devastated. I saw her die again. I plunged into the darkness of my mind and released the creature in me. The energy that came was like flood coming when a dam broke. It was just too much for me to hold. I was waiting to be blown, but the explosion never came. I changed to my pure devil form without even wanting to. But this time it was different.

My entire torso and face was covered with dark fire. But what was more astonishing was that my arms and wings not solid but made of the hottest fire ever created. The red fire of inferno. Inside my head again the bombing voice came.

" Let's finish him."

I plunged to wards him but this time with extreme speed and punched him in gut. The man backed a little and looked a little astonished. " Your kind was extinct." he said then smirked " So the old man had some tricks in store huh!"

I punched again but he parried with his sword. But this time my hand melted a hole in it. This happened many times and his sword became a puzzle. The power I felt was immense. " Don't become to happy boy. Powers are still limited to your physical body."

The man now fought with hands. The fire was not harming him much, but he still looked in pain. By now I was becoming exhausted, but he still was fighting without any sign of exhaustion.

Just for once my attack become slow and the next thing I knew was, I was on the ground, a sharp pain in my head and Dark heart walking away.

He turned and smirked looking down upon me.

"We will meet again." he said and then disappeared in smoke and I lost my conscious.

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