The new neighbours

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I never get why boys and girls can't be friends, being friends with them doesn't mean you start liking them. I have never started like a boy once I become friends with them well, also never.

My name is Maria and I'm 16 years old. I have 3 older brothers, who are awesome. Today
is a very strange first of all I noticed a that my neighbour, this old lady called Maggie is moving out so I went inside and ask my mum "what happening were is Maggie going??" and my mum replied with "Maggie going to a retirement home and that the new family is moving also that they have a 17 year old I can be friends with."

Yes I thought a teen to be friends with but I knew it might take sometime but still, just then as I was about to go to my bedroom my older brother Luke picked me up and gave me a nookie following him was my two other older brothers Callum and Noah. My favourite is Luke we have a special bond afterwards my mum remind me "to get some new clothes for dinner tonight " I wonder at whose we are going to dinner.

Afterwards before dinner Luke and Callum told me on the way to town that me and mum were having dinner with the new neighbours so I need to get some new clothes one of them being a very cute crop top which I love.

1 hour in shopping I see a new strange kid with some random adults and in my opinion I think he's very cute but if I ask my best friend Sophia she would say that I'm too you but I don't think I am. But anyway as we start driving I start and think bout the cute boy.

When we return home I wear the new crop top and a pair of black jeans and high top Nike air max trainers which all together looks very cute if I do say so my self.

As I come down the stairs I get called for the stupid neighbour dinner as I walk next door i see a familiar figure, a boy no it can't be

The cute boy from shopping

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