The Vampires of Venice - Three

Start from the beginning


The Doctor brushed himself up jumping up and helping the Stone to her feet. "You okay dear?" He asked.

"Yeah..." she slowly nodded. Then looked up swallowing hard when she saw the smoke coming out of the bell tower. "She started it."

"Rosanna's initiating the final phase." He gritted his teeth.

"We need to stop her. Come on." Amy started to head off only for the Doctor to grab her wrist stopping her from moving.

"No, no, no." He protected frowning, making the Stone wonder what he was doing. "Get back to the TARDIS." He ordered.

"You can't stop her on your own." She protested.

"I'm not on my own." He reminded angrily making the Stone frown at his outburst. "I have the Stone with me, I always have her with me." He reminded wishing the redhead would stop pretending the Time Lady wasn't there whenever she felt like it. "We don't discuss this. We tell you to do something, Amy, and you do it." He snapped. "Huh?" Without saying a word Amy pushed past Rory angrily storming off.

"Thank you." Rory nodded at the Doctor running off.

"Yeah..." the Doctor quietly muttered. "You're welcome."

"Come on sweetheart." The Stone whispered squeezing his hand. "You did the right thing."

"I wish she will stop ignoring you." He sighed.

"She will. Give her time." She reminded walking off with him.


The Doctor opened the back of the throne, the Stone frowning at the wires inside.

"You're too late. Such determination, just to save one city." Rosanna commented walking into the room. "Hard to believe it's the same man that let an entire race turn to cinders and ash with the woman who helped him to it before running away." She looked between them the Stone wincing at the mention of Gallifrey while the Doctor squeezed her hand in comfort. "Now you can watch as my people take their new kingdom."

"Rosanna you should have kept some of the girls behind. Any general will tell you that." She narrowed her eyes at the woman. "The girls have gone."

"You're lying."

"Shouldn't we be dead, hmm?" The Doctor raised a brow. Rosanna's eyes widened realising that they were telling the truth, she turned and quickly headed for the door. "Rosanna, please, help us. There are two hundred thousand people in this city." The Doctor begged.

"So save them." She coldly replied then exited the room.

Guess we're on our own sweetheart." The Stone sighed starting to fiddle with the wires. "Wouldn't be the first time."

"Knowing you and wires we will get this done."

"I wouldn't say that Doctor." She winced letting go of the wires. Rory and Amy then ran into the room.

"Get out." The Doctor ordered. "We need to stabilise the storm."

"We're not leaving you two."

"Right, so one minute it's all you make people a danger to themselves, and the next it's we're not leaving you two." The Doctor snapped making the Stone frown wondering what conversation they had while her and Amy were in the school. "But if one of you gets squashed or blown up or eaten, who gets the-" he was cut off by a large shake forcing the Time Lords, Amy and Rory to crash to the floor. The Doctor managing to pull the Stone onto him so she fell atop of him and not the hard flooring.

Shattering Time [5] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now