Vincent and the Time Lords

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Is this a good choice? ;)


It had been exactly two weeks since the Stone regenerated. Two weeks of the Doctor teasing, pouting, moaning and being overly protective of his wife. That was until she suggested a trip to museé d'Orsay for Amelia Pond the Scottish girl who was still getting used to the redhead Time Lady that liked to wear a dark blood red buttoned up shirt, thick black tights (because the Doctor almost exploded the TARDIS when he looked up to talk to the Time Lady when he was fixing underneath the console) black boots with red laces matching her shirt, a black skirt and sometimes a red leather jacket because she thought it looked 'ecstatic' somehow she believed that the look of almost all black with a red buttoned up shirt worked and that wasn't even mentioning the dark red beanie she became quite fond of, surprisingly the whole outfit worked well on her, then again they always did.

Amy was getting used to the lack of ready salted crisp packets lying around the library and kitchen, as well as the lack of bacon which the Stone seemed to have traded in for ice cream, mostly cookie dough ice cream.

Neither the Doctor or Amy Pond knew if the ice cream was post-regeneration or not.

"It's still not fair." The Doctor pouted watching the Time Lady who insisted on piloting the TARDIS after he was four months late when they went to the Trojan Gardens. Instead of arriving in the hight of summer they found themselves in the depths of winter where the Stone suddenly realised that her current body wasn't used to the cold as much as her others.

"Sweetheart it's been two weeks four hours and 23 seconds please can you stop your moaning about my hair now it's getting quite boring." She rolled her eyes making Amy giggle from where she stood, watching the Time Lady pull a lever.

"But it's not fair!" He protested throwing his arms around like a child. "Twice!" He screeched. "You get to be ginger twice and I don't get to be it at all!"

"Doctor it's really just hair." She rolled her eyes again and walked around the console to stand in front of him. "It isn't like I picked it and I can't exactly change it."

"You picked what you looked like with your second self." He mumbled pouting.

"That's because unlike you I accept and take what is offered to me instead of moaning about it, you think the Time Lords were just going to let you pick any face." She snorted.

"No, but I didn't think you would pick to be ginger."

"You know I enjoy to tease you, sweetheart."

"A little too much." He grumbled.

"Doctor you're nine hundred and seven not two hundred stop acting like a young grumbling Time Lord that can't get their own way." She rolled her eyes at him for a third time that day and shook her head while Amy snorted at them. "And now we're here." She beamed taking the Doctors hand.

"Where are we?" Amy asked.

"Go and find out." The Stone grinned watching the Scottish girl run out of the doors.


"Thanks for bringing me." Amy beamed at the Time Lords, the three of them were looking around at all of Van Gogh's artwork.

Shattering Time [5] (The Parallel Series) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang