His apple pie or his shot of whiskey

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Disclaimer~ Except for the place of living, (the men of letters bunker) I made the character list as short as possible (Sam, Dean, and Castiel). I wanted almost anyone to be able to read this story. Anyone past season 4 will be able to easily read it. There's also no crazy spoilers either. I kept it pretty simple as I didn't want to add any major plot lines had a reader not reached that point in the show. Hope you enjoy. Happy reading!

I was running and crying. I couldn't shake this feeling. My body was sore and battered all over. It was cut up and stained red. I was dirty with dirt and mud had splattered on my body from where I fell. Hot tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where I was going. I'm just so glad that I was able to getaway.

It all had happened at a friend's house. We were having a party just to have one. It had been the first one we had in awhile. The last one was about a month or two back. Anyways, one of our friend's plus ones came up to me and was trying to flirt with me. My boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, Noah, went ballistic. He pushed and shoved me. Called me names and spit in my face. All because I couldn't get out fast enough that I was already taken. He had shown signs of being the jealous type before, but I didn't think anything of it. I didn't know it was that bad.

After I left, anything could have happened. I just hope nobody got hurt. I broke up with him on the scene just before I escaped him. He didn't seem too happy about that, but that's what he gets for what he did and said.

I'm just glad that it didn't get sexual. But he sure did talk sexual enough that it worried me it would. He said things like, "See this cock?" "It only belongs inside of you and later on tonight it's going to be so far up and stuffed in your pussy, you wouldn't even want to think about dreaming about someone else's." I shake the memory from my head and keep running.

I'm so exhausted. I can't run or think straight anymore. I come up to the parking lot of a motel. I need somewhere to stay and keep low for a while just in case he tries looking for me. I knock on a few doors and get no answer. I'm too worn out to try the second floor and I only have two doors left to try.

I knock on the second to last door. I faintly hear people talking on the inside. The door opens a moment later revealing two hot guys. They look at me funny as their mouths open to speak. "H-Help me, p-please?" I choke out the words with my strained voice. They start to talk, but their words start to sound muffled and disoriented. My head feels light and fuzzy. I start falling? The next thing I know, my eyes close on me and everything goes black.

Sam's POV

Dean and I were sitting on an old motel couch drinking a beer and talking. We had just recently gotten back from a vengeful spirit hunt. So, we stopped here for the night instead of driving all the way back to the bunker. As we drank, we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other and carefully set our beers down on the coffee table. Slowly, we went to the door and answered it. On the other side was a bloody and dirty girl.

I looked at her and back to Dean and then back to her again. She then choked out the words 'Help me'. "Alright, tell us what happened." Dean said calmly to reassure her we weren't going to hurt her. "Hey, are you alright?" I ask seconds after him, but I don't think she heard us. Her body started to sway and her eyes began to roll back as they drifted closed. I go to grab her, but Dean catches her before she falls. "It's alright Sam, I've got her. Go run her a bath and grab something clean for her to wear." I nod and do as told while he carries her inside.

I get the bathwater started and then go to look for a shirt for her. I look up as I hear Dean speak. "Alright sweetheart, let's get you all cleaned up." He says as he pulls up her shirt. My eyes widen. "Woah, woah man. What are you doing?" I quickly ask him. "Well Sammy, how else are we supposed to get her cleaned up?" He answers with pierced lips. He was as uncomfortable as I was about this. "Right, right, never mind." I scratch the back of my head and go back to searching for a clean shirt. I sigh and try to relax.

His apple pie or his shot of whiskey (Sam Winchester X Reader X Dean Winchester)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat