Chapter 1: Amphite

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I am a twin to Amanda. Amanda is a good person. She sees the good in everything and forgives everyone even if they are not deserving of it. I on the other hand. I have a harder time connecting and being nice with others. So I stick to being on my own. My therapist said that I might be a sociopath but I don't think so because I love people. I wouldn't let anyone hurt my family or I tear them apart. Amanda and I weren't always together. When we were born I was kidnapped by this man. He was a bad person. He would forget me in the woods sometimes and make me clean as long as I can remember. I saw people die around me. My step mom was murdered right in front of me at age 9. I can never get the image out of my head. But when my 'dad' killed my step mom the police eventually found him guilty and I was taken away. I was in the foster system until age 11. Then my birth parents found me and took me in. That's when I met Amanda. It was so weird how we look a like but our personality's were very different. I was a robot. I never showed my emotions. The first time I cried in front of Amanda was age 15. She held me as I cried. Ever since I stuck by Her and we became really good friends. I finally knew what family really was. I'm 17 now and starting my junior year.
"Girls time for breakfast," Mom yells downstairs.

I hear Amanda jump out of bed and I slightly move to the edge of the bed because I know what she is gonna do next. She jumps on the bed and starts to tickle me.

"Amanda stop," I whine as I push her hands away.

"No it's our first day of junior year. There is no way we are gonna be late," she states as she grabs my feet and starts dragging me out of bed. Literally dragging me.

"Oh my god Amanda I'll get up," I laugh.

She lets me feet drop and quickly fall to the floor. Awww the floor is so comfy. But if I stay on the floor any longer Amanda is gonna drag me out of the ducking room. I get up and grab my clothes that I already have lied out on the floor. I throw on my ripped skinny jeans I found lying on the floor.  I smell my jeans and they still smell perfectly fresh so I continuing putting on my clothing.  I then throw on a loose flannel shirt.  Then grab my black socks and throw my doc martens on. I walk to the bathroom and Amanda is already doing her full face of makeup.

"curl your hair," she States.

"Why," I ask.

"Because I'm curling my hair too and I'm taking your Pre psych test remember," she looks as me as she is doing her eye shadow.

My pre psych test is so I can get into advanced psych. I have Amanda do my psych tests since I'm not good with people and getting into there minds. Plus I just usually smoke weed in the auditorium to relax a bit. I never really wanted to take the test anyways but Amanda says it looks good on my application for college.

"Why is there a test on the first day of school," I snap as I lay my head on the door border.

"Junior year is so important Am's because this will determine if we get in college," she explains as she finishes curling the the last strand of her hair.

"Oh yeah ok I'll curl my hair," I assure her as I grab the curling iron from her.

"Let me do your hair. Your horrible with the iron," she laughs as she grabs the curling iron back.

I put black eye linear on and mascara and that's all I do since I have really good skin. Amanda loves to do the whole thing foundation, concealer, etc. not really my thing.

Once Amanda finishes my hair I got all done getting ready we walk downstairs and I grab an apple and water.

"Amphite I made breakfast for you," Mom says.

I look at the table and see eggs and milk. I then look at my Apple.

"It's ok I'm happy with this," I smile and leave the house.

When I'm walking to the car I hear Amanda yelling my name so I turn around.

"You need to eat more than snacks or Mom is gonna think your anorexic or something."

"Amanda you talk to Mom because I'm not explaining shit to her," I start to get angry.

"Am you need to overcome your fear. This is a safe house. No one is gonna attack you for sitting at the table and eating food," she states as she walks over to me and grabs my hands.

I look down and then look at Amanda. "Why is Mom getting all upset for me doing this. I've been doing this for 6 years. Why scold me now?"

"Mom talked about pills Amphite. Like those crazy pills that depressed people take," Amanda explains.

"You mean anti depressants," I correct her.

She nods "please do it for me. Plus you owe me for taking the heat for you getting caught smoking weed in our room."

I laugh and nod yes.

"Thank you," She smiles.

"Of course now I'm going to the gas station then going to school."

"Ok, have fun and remember wear perfume," she gives me the stink eye as she walks back into the house.

I laugh and get in my run down car. The floor has a stop sign attached to the bottom because it didn't really have a floor. But hey it works wonders. I throw my black backpack in the passengers seat and start the car

As I am driving down the road I see a gas station and I drive up to it. When I park I look to my right and see this girl staring at me. She looks pissed or something.

I get out of the car and I hear her yelling my name.


"What do you want I don't even fucking know you," I yell back as I keep walking.

"Amphite I need your help. It's me Grace." She states.

I stop in my tracks stunned. She did not say Grace.

I turn around and star at the blonde.

"Grace who," I ask.

"Grace Law," she whispers as she starts walking over to me.

I quickly walk towards her and as she was about to go in for a hug but I push her away from me.

"I don't want anything to do with you or anyone from my past," I spit.

"You don't understand Amphite. There after me. I swear this time," she starts crying and I just roll my eyes.

"Have you even taken your pills yet?"

Grace looks at me and shakes her head no. "I need you. There coming for me," she cry's even harder and even starting to make a scene.

I grab my bag and grab my Newport box and take out a cigarette and then I grab my lighter.

I put the cigarette in her mouth and light it for her.

"You stay here and I'll go grab backup," I explain.

"Don't leave me," she clings to my arm as she begs.

"I swear to you Grace I'll be back," I insure her.

She lets go of my arm and nods as she takes the cigarette out of her mouth.

I quickly walk to my car and once I get in I quickly start the car and drive away.

Grace is a crazy bitch and I wasted a cigarette on her to just shut her mouth.  I drive away and as I'm driving I'm debating if I should go to school.  What if she tries to get to school.  But on the other hand I know if I don't go Amanda will have my head. 

When I began driving up to school I got this gut feeling to not go in the school so I turn the car around and drive to my spot in the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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