Hero With Ice Cream

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I like this as what the characters father looks like
Image is of Jacob Frye Assassin's creed

I sighed as i let my head hit my table. A groan left my lips before looking to my phone again.
Why do so many people want me to work for them.
Like yea i get it i can make clothes from anything and change them with anything but honestly this is getting tiring.
It was just one of those days.

I lifted my head up before walking into the kitchen only to run into my dad.
"Oh hey Dad I though you had already left for hero business" i said lightly as he shook his head.

Did i mentioned my Father was a hero. Gamshi (L/n) or more known as Canvas.
He was up in the top ten heroes of Japan.
That was probably the reason for everyone wanting me to work for them but i didn't mind being a heroes daughter it brought more spice into my life.

I looked up at him as he moved though the kitchen.
"I have Today off so i could spend some time with my little girl" he said with a soft smile on his face.

I laughed lightly. "I'm not really a little girl anymore Dad" I said before helping him make breakfast.

"You will always be my lkttle girl, there maybe times in my life when i don't approve of things you do or choices you make but I have to learn to live with that" he said as he helped me cook.
It wasn't often i got to help my dad with cooking because normally he would already be working or i wouldn't be home when he got home so it was time which i cherished with him.
We both sat down at the table chatting as we ate food.

"Honey I was wondering...we have gone to see your mother...would you be interested in seeing her?" He asked lightly.
I it was a sore subject for both of us.
I nodded I hadn't been to her grave in over a year now.
"Yea... i wouldn't mind going and seeing her" the rest of breakfast we ate silently.

My mother had been killed about three years ago in a hero and villain conflict.
She had been taken hostage to get at my father.
The thing which made me remember it the most was that if i had of missed the train home and had to wait twenty minutes i could have been killed with her. 
Remember the suffering dad went though after but he pushed through so i could have as much of a normal life as possible being the daughter of a hero.

We had arrived at the cemetery, Dad walked beside me with a small glass vase, I had a bunch of her favorite flowers.
Dahlia and Daylily they were both pretty flowers.
We had arrived at her grave, dad was the first to put down the vase before i careful placed the flowers in it.

"Brought you your favorite mum" i said softly beford standing back up.
Dad had a sad smile on his face as i lent my head against his shoulder.

"Shes in a better place then the clutches of a Villain" i said as he took my hand.

"I know but I wilk never stop fearing that it could have and still could happen to you honey" i nodded  before we said our goodbyes and started walking out of the cemetery.
As we walked out Dad looked over to the car driver before back to me.

"Want to go get Ice cream" i let a smile glide onto my face.

"Sure would dad" he laughed as we started walking on the side walk.
I had peoples eyes on me as i walked with dad.
Any people knew who he was even out of costume so alot of people knew who i was.
It had only been revealed when mum was hostage.
They revealed that she was married to him and that i was their daughter and even who he really was out side of hero work.
He didn't really mind the world knowing about me but it ment he had to keep me safer from villains now.
He had people come up for photos every now and then but we eventually made it to the Ice cream store. 

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