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"Lester fucking Phillips, you genius." She snickered to herself and removed the contraption from the depths of the container stored at the top of her closet. With a quick victorious fist pump to the air, Lester sat herself on the sectional couch and ran a thumb across the small box.

Should I open it? It's been so long.

Exhaling in irritation, Lester tossed the object onto the seat beside her. She, instead, focused on the flash drive in front of her. Picking it up, her feet subconsciously walked across the carpeted floor and sat her in front of the laptop.

Popping the flash drive into the laptop, Lester hovered the mouse over the play button on the only video file. No going back. She clicked play and was welcomed by the grinning face of a toddler through the old camera's quality.


"Nala bear, my baby! Say it again for mommy!"


With two tiny arms raised in the air, Nala opened her mouth wide and yelled in a gleeful manner, "Roarrrr!"


"That's my precious honey bear!"


Toddler hands grabbed at the camera lens, a coo escaping the small girl's mouth as Nala curiously examined the foreign object. After a moment of her search, the child decided the camera to be her brand new toy.


"No baby, Mama isn't made of money!" Lester stood and positioned the camera to point down at her daughter. Nala gurgled in protest and latched onto Lester's leg as if trying to persuade her to give back the "toy."

Wake up.

With a giggle and defeated grunt, Lester lifted the girl into an arm where Nala waved at the camera in her own small greeting.

This is a dream.

"Where are we going today, Nala?"

You're not happy anymore.


She's dead.

"That's right, sweetie!"

She's dead.

Nala clapped and gave another happy roar.

Get out. Get out. Get out. GET OUT.

"Let's get you dressed, oka-"

Lester shut off the laptop and shakily slammed her hands against the desk in an angry mess of sobs. You took her from me. Why? Why?!

Blood ran down her cheeks and hands, sizzling loudly. It left burns and scars to be healed later. Hiccupping, she stressfully smoothed back her hair and stood just as a text flashed onto her phone's screen.

One Unopened Message From: JK

Typing in her password, pastel blue eyes followed the text.

JK: Meet me at the worn out bar. Know it's your favorite.

Lester groaned and pulled on a black tank-top with splatters of purple swirling into an oil painted galaxy. After throwing on black ripped jeans and her combat boots, Lester made her way outside of the dimly lit cabin.

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