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Author- hey guys I hope you like this fic and enjoy my own take on adopted by yogscast story's


I wake up and stretch looking around my room containing all the things I love like my laptop and pictures, it was eight already! I was left at this orphanage when I was just two months old, I am now fourteen nearly fifteen and have never been adopted. You may think this is sad but the truth is I love it here, all the staff are amazing and I'm surrounded by friends. It's like I already have a family so whenever people come to adopt I hide aether in my room or I work at a small restaurant to get some experience.

That's were I'm going today because Beth told me she overheard the adults saying a couple were coming to adopt. She accepts that I don't want to be adopted but still wishes she will be. I brushed through my light brown hair and put minimal make up on, just concealer and brows. Quietly sneaking down stairs I opened the doors and pulled my purple hoodie around myself, I was wearing jeans and a red and white stripped tee shirt with cats on it. I almost forgot to put on shoes so I slipped into my boots and treated down to the shops. I live in Bristol and love it, I finally reach the room full of owls and walk in. "Hi Amy!" Sarah called to me "thank god you're here we have a 20 person party competing later today and we need all the help we can get."

"What 20 people? That's the most we've ever had here!" I said excitedly.

"Okay, so you go help Jenna set up the table and when you're done both of you need to help me and Katy in the kitchen." She said to me while I hurriedly ran off to find Jenna.

------time skip------

I collapsed we had been rushing around for 3 hours and it was almost 12:00. The group would be coming and time now so I got up to leave but Sarah tapped me on tone shoulder and told me I needed to stay because Jenna had been sick and had to go home. This meant I had to step in as waitress! I was waiting patiently when I heard the bell ding as people filed into the shop, sarah winked at me before leading them into the place were they would be eating. " hello I'm sarah and I hope you'll enjoy your meal." She walked though the door and grabbed Jenna's apron from the side and handing it to me. I look at it in awe, it is beautiful it has a big owl on the pocket on the front and the rest is filled with smaller cartoon owls. I thanked Sarah and put on a brave face, well this is going to be interesting.

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