The Following Month

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I wake up panting, beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I looked around to grab my glasses and walk to the nearby sink to splash my face with some cold water.

I walked to the kitchen, hearing my mom's slow breathing calmed me as I got a cup of water. I went back upstairs. And that's where I stopped in my tracks.

He was there, standing in front of me, was the tall, skinny, beady eyed man. A green light was radiating off of him, his nose looking like it was pushed into his face. My jaw dropped and my eyes were wide with panic.

He had something off about him. He slowly glided towards me. I made my way backward when suddenly his hand started to move up and I couldn't feel the stair beneath me anymore.

He held me up and abruptly let me go. I fell to the floor feeling the white hot pain engulf my body. I grunted and got up disoriented. I kept him on my line of sight all the while.

He was levitating, I HAD to be imagining this. There was no way this could be true! I finally had the courage to close my eyes and shake my head, clearing my mind. I opened my eyes frantically, scanning if anyone was around. He was gone, just like that.

No, no, no, NO! I was officially going crazy. I was hallucinating, badly. I slowly walked up the stairs, contemplating what happened. I stopped at the end of the stairs to see an aged man with a friendly smile, that had a long cotton white beard.

He glanced towards me, his crystal blue eyes twinkling like stars. He spoke barely above a whisper, "You will be selected Noah, for you are one of the people to be involved" and without another word he left into the night.

I squeezed my eyes shut very tight. Who was that man? What was he doing here? What am I selected for? all these thoughts raced through my head at lightning speed.

I returned to my room to get back into my sheets and fell asleep, my last thought being, I'll ask Janette tomorrow.

I woke up panting, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I curled up in a tiny ball, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks all at once, pounding me to defeat—

It was a dream.

I do not own any characters except for my own ( Noah Flamos)

This chapter is lacking as I had writer's block.

I update everyday!

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