❤Your best friend❤

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Your best friend is actually Robbie. Anti honestly doesn't mind because he views Robbie as a little brother.


Your best friend is Dr.Iplier. Even though he may seem idiotic at times, you like hanging with him anyway. Schneep feels competitive around him, though.

Jackieboy man:

Your best friend is Dark, believe it or not. Jackie doesn't really approve....he thinks Dark is a bad influence.


Bing! You, Chase and Bing are all the best of friends and often make videos and such together.


Your best friend is Warfstache! Robbie is a bit scared of him, though.


Host is your best friend. He can also tell you what Jameson is trying to say, which helps.


Your best friend is actually Jacksepticeye himself! You and Jack always encourage Marvin and his magic tricks.

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