"stanley." he heard a soft voice call out for him and it sent chills down his spine.

the voice called out for him again, and stanley started putting the pieces together. it was his mother and she was perched on the wooden stool at the table, dressed in nothing but her bathrobe and silk pants. she held a small cup of coffee in her hand, but she wasn't drinking it. she played with the liquid as she twirled her spoon around, watching it dance in the small ceramic.

"where have you been." her voice sounded shaky, like she's been crying, and that unsettled stanley.

his legs began to move under him as he slowly made his way into the kitchen. he watched the back of his moms head as he tried to utter out words, but nothing happened. "stanley, i was worried sick about you."

'this can't be my mother.' stanley thought as he heard those words come out of her mouth.

stan pulled out a chair next to her and sat down, finally getting a good look of her face. she looked awfully pale and her eyes were bloodshot. he observed that she probably didn't get any sleep last night and it was all because of him. her tear stained face glistened as the light above them hit it just right, almost looking oddly beautiful.

"stanley uris, where were you tonight." his mom looked stan dead in the eyes, but for some reason, he couldn't look back. he could only focus on the way her hands shook as she spoke.

"i-i was—"

"speak clearly, you sound like that denbrough boy a couple blocks over."

it took everything in stanley to not start screaming at her in this very moment. her comment enraged stanley, causing him to pinch his leg and clench his jaw in anger. "i was actually with that denbrough boy a couple blocks over." stanley hissed through his teeth and his face become red as his body tensed up.

his mother's facial expression changed as she raised her eyebrows in surprise. she definitely wasn't expecting that as an answer. stanley has never been open about the people he talks to at school, or even anyone that comes into his life. his mom definitely wasn't expecting one of those people to be bill denbrough.

"and why were you with him at this hour?"

"we were working on a project and it got late." stanley replied, hoping his mom wouldn't be able to catch him in the lie.

"you left late at night stanley. you wouldn't have went to work on a project that late at night." he mentally cursed himself for using the excuse he did. she's right, it would be an odd time for him to leave just for a project.

"i want you to tell me, and i want you to tell me the truth." she pointed her finger at stanley as it hung a couple inches in front of his face. "is there something going on between you and the denbrough boy?"

stanley instantly froze, his eyes growing wide in embarrassment. "what do you mean?" he rambled out, his words forming into one.

"i always get a call from either you or mrs. denbrough when you are there. this time i got nothing. are you hiding something from me stanley? i want you to tell me if you and that boy are doing adult things together. better yet, are you and that boy in a relationship?" stan felt completely numb. he felt like his whole soul escaped his body, and he had no more emotions left. he couldn't believe the conversation going on between the two of them, and he had no idea how he was going to answer it.

"no mom, i promise. nothings going on between us. i know, homosexuality is a sin. you don't have to worry, i won't partake in that 'lifestyle.'" stanley felt sick to his stomach as the words escaped his mouth. they felt so natural to leave his lips because he's said it many times before, although he's never brought it up to his mom.

"it's not wrong stanley, it's just—i think you're too young. you're still in high school and i don't want you making dumb decisions, especially if you're going to have sex with a boy you just met." stan was taken by surprise by his mother's words. she accepted it. him being gay was not the disappointment in this situation. she just wanted him to be safe.

"it wasn't like that, i promise." stanley replied.

his mom sighed and shook her head, disapproving of stanley's answer. she felt like he was lying, although he wasn't. bill and stan's relationship was innocent, and it was going to stay that way for a while. yes they did some suggestive things, but every teenager goes through that.

"i'm sorry stanley, but i think you should stay away from that boy for a little bit. he's up to no good, i can tell. he's making you sneak out late and—i'm just looking out for you, i don't want you to do anything you might regret." she paused before continuing on. "go up to your room. don't even plan on going to school today. we'll talk more about this when i get some sleep."

stanley felt the tears sting his eyes as they threatened to spill out.

"i could never do anything i would regret when i'm with bill. you're not looking out for me." he thought.

(a/n IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE AND THAT THIS WAS SUCH A SHITTY UPDATE THAT I MADE YOU WAIT FOR!! it's just that i literally have musical everyday now and it gives me no free time what so ever, so you guys are just gonna have to bare with me until musical is done in mid march. thank you guys so much!)

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