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"h-hey. let's g-go back to m-my house. i'll take g-good care of you." bill cooed as he tried to help stan up from the ground. stan felt weak and his whole body went limp, making it harder for bill to lift him. "s-stan, come on." he impatiently sighed, struggling to keep the boy up.

"i can't do anything right, i'm so sorry." stan hiccuped, trying to wipe the tears off his face, causing his curls to stick to his forehead.

bill swallowed the lump in his throat as stan's words played on repeat in his head. by now he felt his own hot tears fill up his eyes as he tried to form the right words. bill was speechless. he couldn't believe that stan thought that way about himself. "th-that's not true, s-stanley." bill replied as his voice cracked.

"name one thing i do right." stanley lifted his head and stared back at bill in pain. he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "see, you can't even think of one thing." stan shook his head and placed it back in his hands, letting more tears out.

bill closed his eyes as he thought about stan. there was so many things that he did right, and bill didn't know why his mouth wouldn't speak them.

for starters, stan doesn't let anybody get to him. he knows he has troubles making friends, and he knows he's an outcast, but he doesn't let that bother him.

stan also puts others before himself. when he saw georgie, his first reaction was to help, not even caring if he put himself in danger by doing so.

bill took a deep breath in and spoke his mind, not caring if any of it made sense. "stan, hands down you are the best person i've ever met. you can instantly light up a room with your personality. god stan, you make me so happy and it upsets me so much that you would ever think this way about yourself. i wish you could see how great of a person you are because you do so many things right. what you did for my brother takes a lot of courage and you didn't even think twice before you got up to save him, even though you had no idea who he was. most people would never be able to do that, probably myself including, and i wish i could be more like you in that way. unless it's close family or friends, i wouldn't be able to jump up to something like that, and it sucks that that's how i would react, but my fears would take over. you put others before yourself and i look up to that so much. you're also very smart, stan. you have such a big drive to study and research things you are interested in, it's wonderful. for a lot of people, focusing is hard to do, but you do it so well. you have the patience to listen and learn new things, and you never give up when you get frustrated. you're a spectacular listener as well. when i talk to you, you make me feel so important just by sitting there respectfully." bill confidently spoke out, without stuttering once.

he took another deep breath and continued on, his eyes still closed. "i don't know what it is about you. maybe it's the way nothing else in this world matters when we're talking or how you make me smile more than anybody ever has in my whole life. it could also be the way you say the right thing at exactly the right time. but what ever it is i just want you to know that it—it means everything and me and it just—" bill sighed, starting to feel a burning sensation on his eyelids, as tears begged to come out. "—i-it just tears me apart completely knowing that you see yourself in a negative light— i just, i just love you a l-lot and i—i don't know, i-i can't." bill hiccuped and choked on his words as all of his emotions poured out at once.

stan was in complete shock. not only did bill's compliments flow out so easily and sound so genuine, but he said he loved him.

bill denbrough loved him.

was he dreaming?

stan's smile grew on his face as his tears calmed down, although they were still there. he pushed himself onto his knees and faced bill, who was sitting next to him.

stan immediately threw his arms around the boy's neck, knocking him over on the ground. bill let out a small squeak as his back hit the dirt and he subconsciously opened his eyes. he was instantly met by the face of stan, who was only a couple inches away from him.

bill stared back at him with wide eyes, trying to process what just happened. bill's cheeks started to heat up as he realized stan was lying on top of him, with his arms around his neck.

stan let out a giggle of happiness and smiled with his teeth, causing his dimple to pop out. bill couldn't help, but smile back at him. stan's smile was contagious and bill absolutely adored it.

bills heart started speeding up as he took in stan's soft features. he was so obsessed with his face, he could look at him for hours.

"i love you." stanley whispered out, moving closer to bill's face.

chills ran through bill's body as those words processed in his mind. the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy as they bounced around, making bill feel nauseous with excitement.

"i love you, i love you, i love you." stanley repeated as he shoved his head into the crook of bill's neck.

"i love you bill denbrough. i love you so much." he mumbled and bill felt his hot breath hit his skin. not long after, he felt innocent kisses on his neck and shoulder, still hearing the soft hums of stan whispering, 'i love you.'

"s-stanley uris, i love you t-too." bill spoke out, his voice shaky with exhilaration. bill wrapped his arms around stan's back and squeezed him tightly, pulling him closer to his body.

they sat there for a few minutes in complete silence, just taking in the moment and each other's company. stan focused on the sound of bill's breathing and the birds chirping above. bill focused on running his hand gently through stan's soft, curly locks and the feeling of stan's chest rising and falling.

"stanley? c-can i ask you a q-question?" bill asked, breaking the silence. his heart was racing a mile a minute and his hands started to shake. although he was nervous, he felt he was ready enough to bring this up.

"yeah." stan replied, lifting his head up to look at him. bill never let his hand fall from stan's head, as he pushed the curls out of his face.

"d-do you think—um, would you—" bill mentally cursed himself for not being able to form sentences correctly. he took a deep breath and looked into stan's eyes, watching them twinkle.

stan ran his fingers around bill's neck and brought his hand up to caress his jaw. "take your time, angel." stan smiled lightly as he brushed his thumb along bill's cheek, moving it back and forth.

bill's heart jumped when stan called him angel. he bit his lip, trying not to smile, but it was really hard not to when he was staring back at stan.

he took another deep breath and tried again, hoping he wouldn't mess up this time.

"s-stanley uris, would you l-like to be my boyfriend?"

stan leaned down and pressed his forehead onto bill's, chuckling at the flustered boy under him. stan's curls tickled bill's forehead causing bill to let out a small giggle.

stan closed his eyes and connected his delicate lips with bill's, smiling into the kiss. the kiss was innocent and gentle, with no lustful desire behind it. it was sweet and pure, just like their love for one another.

the kiss only lasted five seconds before stan pulled back, ready to give bill an answer.

"bill denbrough, i want more than anything for you to be my boyfriend."

bird boy ☼ stenbrough DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now