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☺"bill, calm down, it's ok

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"bill, calm down, it's ok." eddie cooed as he walked over to bill, placing his hand on his arm. this gesture definitely shocked bill.

eddie kaspbrak was afraid of germs, so knowing he would fight that fear to comfort bill, made him feel warm inside.

"nobody even remembers what happened anymore. they have moved on, you're going to be ok." beverly reassured bill, even though she knew that what she said was wrong. people were most likely still buzzing about it because it's human nature to be curious, especially if bill made such a big scene about it.

"e-everybody was star-staring at me-me. it sc-scared me." bill words were shaky as he spoke. he felt very light headed because he worked himself up so much.

"they were probably just staring at the weird bird kid." richie tozier chimed in, of course not really thinking of what he was saying, just like most times.

"h-he's not wuh-weird, r-richie." bill defended, instantly boiling in anger.

"i mean he kinda-"

"beep beep richie." eddie scolded and hit his arm, trying to get richie to stop running his mouth.

"sorry." richie whispered out, lowering his head in shame.

bill didn't respond. he just looked away from richie and glanced down at his lap, shrugging his shoulders.

"hey bill?" beverly spoke up again. "do you want someone to go get your water? you look a little pale." beverly questioned and bill looked back up, locking eyes with her.

those same eyes he feel in love for, a year ago.

funny how fast things change.

bill nodded lightly and closed his eyes, trying to picture stan in his mind. thinking about him made bill feel instantly happy and calm.

"eddie, can you get bill's water from the lunch room?" beverly asked, turning back to look at the small boy.

"but there's so many germs on it and-"

"it's not like you're touching the part where he put his mouth." beverly became annoyed and rolled her eyes at eddie. "whatever. richie, can you go get it?"

"aye aye captain!" he saluted her and unlocked the bathroom door, running out.

eddie lightly giggled at him as he watched richie run out of the room.

"alright, tell me bill, what made you all of the sudden talk to the bird kid?" beverly asked, trying not to be rude. she was just genuinely curious.

the only person who might've caught on would've been eddie.

a couple months before bill's brother went missing, eddie and bill had a deep late night conversation where they just spilled their thoughts to each other. both of them kept open minded as they listened to what they had to say. bill brought up the fact that he was bisexual, and eddie gave him nothing but support, revealing that he was gay himself.

ever since that day, bill has felt strangely connected to eddie, even when they stopped being friends. there was always a huge trust between them that was unspoken of, but they both knew it was there.

"h-he's nice. n-nobody really guh-gives him a ch-chance." bill replied, feeling his face heat up talking about his crush.

the door opened once again and since they just expected it was richie, nobody turned to look, but since bill was facing the door, he recognized the boy as someone else.

"isn't he like, annoy-" eddie spoke up and bill cut him off by acknowledging the new person in the room.

"h-hey stan."  bill blurted out. beverly and eddie both turned around, wide eyed and embarrassed, hoping stan didn't hear what they said.

"oh, um. hi bill." stan sadly smiled at him and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"what hap-happened in the o-office?" bill wondered out loud and waited for an answer.

"they let me off this time, just because i was so upset." stan whispered, embarrassed of saying this information in front of eddie and beverly.

"i'm suh-sorry." bill apologized and stan looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"why are you sorry? it's my fault for skipping class." stan brought up, but bill still believed it was his own fault.

"be-because i was s-sitting alone." beverly and eddie instantly felt guilty. they were the reason why he was sitting alone. they drifted away from him, when he needed them the most.

"it's nobody's fault, ok? it happened and he got a free ticket out. nothing bad came out of it, so it's ok." beverly spoke up, hoping they would agree.

"i g-guess."

"yeah." stan trailed off, started to feel awkward about the situation. he felt like he was ruining a moment by being in the bathroom and interrupting them.

"why don't we all go to the quarry after school? stan you can even come along if you'd like." beverly smiled warmly in his direction. of course she didn't really want him there, but she felt bad to not ask since he was standing right there.

bill nodded frantically, excited to be hanging out with his friends again. stan agreed as well, feeling bad to say no. plus he would get to see bill more, so he wasn't going to turn that down.

"great, then it's settled. i'll tell ben and richie about it and we can just forget about everything that has happened." beverly hoped bill took it as in general and not just what has happened today. he hoped they could be on good terms again.

"o-of course." bill jokingly pretended to hold up a cup as he made a toast. "to th-the beginning of a n-bew ch-chapter." bill said and looked around at everybody.

"to the beginning of a new chapter." everybody repeated, including stan, as they raised their invisible glasses.

"welcome to the losers club, boys."

finally bill was back in his happy place, even happier that stan was here right by his side.

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