Chapter 80 - From Ashes

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Guy held one hand pressed to his chest to calm his heartbeat and he tried to slow his breathing, but he couldn't calm down. The nightmare had returned again, far too real, and he had woken up with the sound of the whip cracking against the skin of another innocent.

At first, Guy only dreamed of what actually happened, then the nightmares had become more complex and, instead of Robin, shouting under the blows of his whip, he had flogged all the people he loved, one after the other, and each time he had been forced to hit them without mercy.

The arrow that came in through the open window made him startle with surprise, then Guy ripped it away from the headboard, threw it under the bed with the others and he closed his eyes again, hiding his head under the pillow.

Marian took the flour bag, then she closed it and put it away with a sigh. What was the point in rushing to prepare a breakfast that no one would eat?


Marian called the young man who was dozing in a chair by the fire, and Allan looked up at her.

"Are you sure Guy hasn't suffered any more injuries than the blow to the head and the sheriff's kicks?"

"Physically Giz is fine, apart from a few bruises."

"Why doesn't he get up then? It's been three days, and he spent most of his time sleeping. I'm worried about him, Allan."

"The sheriff has forced him to commit a terrible action and for Giz it must have been even more terrible if we think about what he suffered last year... I think it's normal that he's still upset."

Marian watched the flames dancing in the fireplace.

"I would like to be with him, but I have the impression that he prefers to be alone. He said he obeyed the sheriff to protect me... Allan, is it my fault? Will the sheriff always have power over him because of me? If so, Guy will eventually hate me."

"Now you are the second one in this house who doesn't think rationally. Giz could never hate you, not even if you rip his heart away with your bare hands. If someone has faults, it's just Vaisey, not you two, and you know what? It's time for Giz to get out of his den."

Guy had just fallen asleep when the sound of the door being slammed open suddenly made him wake up with a start.

"Hey, Giz!" Allan greeted him, closing the door behind him with another thud and approaching the bed.

Gisborne didn't look at him and he answered without raising his face from the pillow.

"What do you want, Allan? Leave me alone."

Allan sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned forward to look at him: Guy was lying on his stomach and his face was sunk in the pillow. The only portion of the face still visible was half hidden by tangled strands of hair that covered his eyes.

"You look like anything but in peace, my friend."

Guy moved and turned on his side to look at him, in a bad mood.

"Go away, I'm tired."

"Tired after three days spent in bed? Sorry, but it seems unlikely."

"As I close my eyes, nightmares come to torment me. Do you have any idea how many times I used that damn whip, Allan? Hundreds. Thousands, maybe. And I could never do anything to stop it. Dream after dream, night after night, I am forced to hurt the people I love!"

Allan grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up to make him sit on the bed.

"And don't you think it's a good reason to get up? What's the point of staying here and wait for the next nightmare?"

The Nightwatchman (English)(From Ashes Vol.2)Where stories live. Discover now