19: Leading Him On

Start from the beginning

After half an hour of Parker freaking out he finally calmed down and just pretended we never told him we're werewolves. He's face was funny though, so it's definitely worth it.

How am I going to tell Lucas about the mark? Damn it, he's going to get hurt, I'm sure of that. Shit. I'm in deep trouble. 

I sighed and went to the woods. I really need to talk to him, but how? Stupid Conan, but on the other hand I felt grateful for him because one of the reasons he marked me was so that unmated wolves wouldn't attack me. 

I can't help but shiver when I remembered Gerard. I was lucky that Gerard was the only one who attacked me. But, unfortunately, when an unmated wolf touch me, I get burned. Well, not literally, but It'll feel as if I burned myself.

I tied my hair in a bun and sat down on the grass, looking around. Where's Lucas? 

As if on cue, I felt Lucas sit next to me, I looked up at him and smiled, "Hey." 

"You smell different." He frowned. 

"Right." I muttered, "I was on heat." 


"Conan marked me." 

In flash, he stood up and glowered over me, "What?" 

"I know, I don't know why I let him, and why he did it, but I was on heat, I didn't know what I was doing." I sighed in remorse as I stood up in front of me, "Lucas.." 

"No." He crossed his arms, "Lena, why the hell did you let him?" 

"I told you, I didn't know what I was doing." I insisted. It was true, I really didn't know what I was doing, sure I tried to stop him, but that wasn't enough. 

"I could've marked you." He scoffed. 

"Lucas, if you marked me that would've been more complicated." 

"And if Conan marked you it isn't?" 

"No! Conan and I are the same. Lucas, you and I are different. How could we work out, you're a vampire and I'm a werewolf." I explained. 

Lucas clenched his jaw, "You just led me on." 

"I didn't mean to!" I exclaimed, "I told you, you were going to get hurt but you didn't back off because you said you can take it." 

"I thought I can, but now that I thought about it, all of this are just a piece of shit and worthless." He snapped as he ran in his vampire speed. 

My eyes teared up. The only one who didn't want to hurt me, just did. But, I can't blame him, I am worthless. Ever since the start, I knew that. Did he just reject me too? 

I think he just did. 

I shook my head, burying my head on my hands. Damn it, Lena. Who's next? Your parents? Violet? Gerard? I screamed in frustration. 

Don't worry, Lucas. I hate myself more than you do. 


"Lena Carter, you're late." The teacher spat at me. 

"Obviously, the bell did ring before I came in, right?" I rolled my eyes and sat on my usual seat which is, unfortunately, next to Conan. I ran my hand through my hair and played on Violet's hair. 

"Detention, ms. Carter." He said. 

I shrugged, "Whatever." I crossed my arms over the table, burying my head on it, thinking about Lucas. 

Three days have passed, and I still don't know where he is. I've been going to our spot three days in a row but he's not showing up, and I really miss him. 

I felt someone poking me on my shoulder, I looked up to see Conan, "What?" 

"What's wrong?" 

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Mind your own business." Why does he care anyway?

"Your business is also my business, considering the fact that you're the future Luna." He retorted.

 "If I wasn't in heat, I wouldn't let you mark me, anyway." I glared at him. 

He rolled his eyes, "Stop being hard to get, Lena. You know you want it." 

"In your dreams." 

He grinned at me, "So, how did your vampire mate react? He left you, huh?" 

I slapped him, "Satisfied?" 

"Ms. Carter!" 

I turned to the teacher, "What the hell do you want now?" 

"To the principal's office!" 

I looked at Violet who laughed at the hand print on Conan's cheek. I glanced at it and felt satisfied as I took my bag and gave the my teacher a mocking smile, "Gladly." 


Being by myself here in the woods doesn't feel the same. I was used to coming here, but every time I come here I was with Lucas, but now, I have no one with me. I was alone. 

I laid down on the grass, covering my eyes with my arm, trying to relax myself. I stayed in that position for I don't know how long before I sat up again. 

Truth be told, I actually expected Lucas to come. I don't care what he says, I don't care if he snaps at me, I just want to see him. I miss him. 

I sighed and stood up, looking around. I know Lucas will come here when he knows I'm gone, so I brought snack and a blanket. I left the things there, expecting him to stargaze here when all I want is to be there stargazing with him.

I gave a last glance on the place before sighing and walking back to the pack house.

I always thought having a love life would make my life more interesting and make me happy. But, in reality, it's just giving me more problem.

~Hello. :)

This is short and I know that. And also boring. I know that.

This is just a filler chapter on what Lucas and Parker's reactions on both confessions. 

And thank you for all of you who's supporting me! <3 

I'm #180 on Werewolf and #403 (previously #408) on Teen Fiction. You guys are the best. :)


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