"Let's play something!" Callum exclaimed.


I am never going to drink ever again, I grabbed my head, groaning as I collapsed back on Violet's bed. I turned and saw that all of us crashed on Violet's room. Violet has the largest room next to Conan's and the Alpha and Luna's, of course.

We were lucky that Violet have an extra single bed on the corner of the room where I crashed. Callum and Deb was sleeping on the couch, Violet and Chris slept on Vi's bed, Parker and Gerard was sleeping messily on the floor.

I sat up, groaning at my pounding head, "Parker and Gerard are dead."

I remember the two of them messing with me and kept on making me lose on a card game purposely so that I would have to drink more alcohol. I plugged on a cotton on both my ears that I found on Vi's nightstand. Don't ask why they're there because I honestly don't know. I grabbed a whistle and my phone as I took a picture of Gerard and Parker sleeping next to each other.

Parker's hand was on Gerard's stomach, close to his you-know-what, Gerard's leg was spread out making it look like that Parker's trying to seduce him. Parker's head was resting on his right, facing Gerard, who's mouth was wide open as he snored. Gerard's hand was behind his head and the other was on Parker's chest. Their legs were intertwined making me try to stifle my laughter harder.

Taking a deep breathe, I checked the cottons on my ears, fixing it properly. I put the whistle on my mouth and leaned in on both of their ears as I blew the whistle.

Their eyes widened as they sat up quickly, making me stumble back at their sudden action. I laughed at their faces, I looked up and saw the others also got woke up. Parker and Gerard grabbed their heads before throwing a death glare at me.

I grinned at them after taking off the cottons in my ear, throwing it somewhere on the floor, "Goodmorning to you too." I stood up and wiped my jeans unconsciously.

Parker groaned as he stood up with Gerard, "Damn it, Lena."

'What? It's you guys fault, you cheated so that I would lose and will have to drink more alcohol. See? Karma's a bitch." I grinned.

"More like revenge." Gerard grumbled, grabbing his head before walking out of Violet's room.

Callum rubbed his eyes, "Let's go to the kitchen, I'm sure auntie Shay made us food and water."

"I thought coffee makes hangovers better?" Violet asked in her raspy voice.

"Water's better." Parker agreed.

We all went out of Violet's room together and walked straight into the kitchen to see mo- I mean, Shay's there already putting the foods on the table with Conan sitting on the counter, texting on his phone. This was the first I saw him since the incident last week.

He looked up and connected eyes with me, I quickly looked away. I glared at Parker who screamed on my ear, "Damn you."

"Reveeeenge." He sang.

I scoffed, and sat down next to Violet who was muttering and grumbling under her breath. Gerard sat next to me and glared as he clutched his head. I sighed and kept my head down on the table.

"Why is Gerard glaring at Lena?" Aunt Rayleen or Shay asked. I think I'll go with Shay.

"She blew a whistle on his and Parker's ears for getting her drunk last night." Deb muttered as she rested her chin on her fist.

"Feisty." She cackled, "Now, eat and drink you all look awful."

"Thanks to these people who got us drunk." I muttered loud enough to hear.

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