AN: Important

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In the picture above is a screenshot of what I see when I go to edit this book.

Hiccup:  I'm seeing some inconsistencies.

Punzie:  Yeah, me too!

Wanna guess what we see?


More specifically, Jack, the fact that not all of the chapters are being read.  People are skipping chapters or something, and I kinda blew it off, figuring Wattpad is glitching or something.

Then I decided to talk to you guys about it 3 minutes ago.

Vanellope:  Wow, what a great author. 🤨

I know right?  😂.  Anyway, you guys aren't skipping chapters, are ya?  That would suck... for you.

Seriously, I want you guys to enjoy this novel and it really is not easy to understand if you're skipping chapters, especially the acknowledgements, cuz I tend to put some important stuff in there. So please, if you're not recognizing some of these chapters, go back and read them... maybe just start over, cuz that would be easier! If you can't find them, then pm me and I will see what I can do.

Also! I have a question. How do you make chapters private? And how do you "unprivate" them? Just curious cuz apparently you can do that.

Oh god I sound like an old lady 😩

Merida: Hag!

Jack: Hey! That makes me Ancient! I'm a year older than her!

Hiccup: Hey, you are ancient. You're dead.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnd Onto writing that chapter!

After I edit the last one, cuz I forgot to do that and I need to before I forget... AGAIN.

Prince of Nightmaresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें