Entirely Fictional

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Entirely Fictional

I walked into the electronic store.

It's just an uneventful day. I was going to the mall--alone because I'm such a lonely stag--to buy earphones.

Anyway, I was trying to pick a color of earphones when I saw a flash go off in my peripheral vision.

I look to the direction where it came from, and I saw a fairly handsome guy looking at the picture he took of me with his camera. He suddenly looked up and caught me staring. He blushed as he handed the store clerk the device. He was probably just testing it out.

Instead of running away like a normal person would, I just stayed rooted to my spot. Every molecule in my body screamed to run and buy earphones somewhere else. But then the left part of my brain said not to in the off chance he'll probably chase me, and I'll probably have a better chance at getting raped if I showed fear.

Once I picked the earphones I wanted, I walked to the cashier in the opposite side of the store where the guy headed off to. Honestly, I just wanted to get out of the store asap. I probably looked so antsy and jumpy but I really wanted to minimize the circumstances of getting sexually assaulted.

I probably sound like I'm joking. But I'm not. Rape culture is a terrible thing that has ruined the lives of many people, men and women alike.

I gave the cashier my money, and he was just packaging the product when the Creepy Camera Guy walks up to me.

I was so ready to kick him in the nuts when (plot twist!) he says:

"I'm really sorry for taking a picture of you without permission. That was probably really stalkerish of me. Anyway, I just really wanted to say that you are very beautiful and I hope you know that."

Before I could say anything, the good-looking Camera guy walked out of the store, and probably out of my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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