Chapter 21

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Jimmy's POV:

"Haley, Max, Chloe, Rachel... I'm sorry but I have to go.... I have to leave now."  I pack a few of my things and rush out the door.  Leaving them behind. 

Mom's in trouble and she needs me, I don't want to worry Haley.

"Whoa there bud, you aren't running off like this without me."  Haley runs and steps in front of my door.  "Jimmy tell me what's going on?  Rachel and you were hanging out a minute ago, yeah you scared us but now you are really scaring me.  You never get this serious, like ever."

"Haley. Move. Now."  I say as I'm losing my patience.

"No, not until you tell me what's going on.  You cannot leave me now."  She's so persistant. 

"Mom's in trouble alright? I'm gonna go help her for a few days, I already texted Jefferson and told him what was going on." Haley stares at me unmoving.  "Hale, I will pick you up, and move you out of the way, I've done it begore I'll do it again."  She doesn't move as I hang my head.  "Goddammit Haley, get your shit and come on then. Damn you are persistent." She sticks her tongue out at me.

"I'm a girl, what do you expect?" She runs inside and tells Rachel, Max and Chloe about what's going on, and of course... now Rachel is headed this way. 

"Haley what did you tell her? This is serious."  Rachel walks up to me as I put my stuff in the trunk and Haley puts hers in there too.

"Baby, I love you.  Please let me come with you.  I wanna help Natalie. I really do, and I wanna be there to support you. Haley too, I love you both."  She hugs me and kisses me.

"Okay, as long as you pack quickly, we will swing by your house and get your stuff. Mom is expecting me tonight. Hale, you text or call her and let her know you are coming too."  I get in and start the car up as I toss my spare key to chloe, she's been chilling here too.  Ducking David and Joyce, I don't mind it though, she helps pay rent and buys food.  Plus she supplies smokage. 

"Be safe you guys!! Bring my girlfriend back in one piece and I won't have to kick your ass." Chloe shouts as I pull out of the parking spot, Max waves with a look of sadness. 

"Jimmy, how do you expect to drive through 2 states tonight?"  Haley says concerned.  "We have Rachels stuff to get still and we also need to stop for food and gas and what not. 

"I know Haley, you don't have to remind me.  I got this." I speed to Rachels house and she gets out.  "Jimmy, you need to meet my mom and dad soon, they want to meet you." 

"I'll meet them when we get back, tell them you are going on a road trip with Haley and me."  She looks at me and gives me a smile.  She runs inside and as I turn the car off and crank the music up. Rachel comes out with a duffel bag and runs back to the car, she gets in and tosses it in thr back seat as her parents come out onto the porch.  They wave at us as I hold up two fingers in a sort of salute.  Mr. Amber nods as Rachel yells out the window.  "See you guys later!! Love you and miss you already."  She leans back in and laughs as she puts her hair up in a messy bun. She's so gorgeous.  "I have to stop at the tobacco store first and get some smokes and dip before we head out. You guys need anything. Or want anything before?  No more stops until gas."  Haley mentions food, we are already behind schedule but I guess we could stop at a McDonald's or something.  "I guess well get some food first."  Rachel and Haley both smile, I know how food and Women work.  It'll keep them satiated until we get there or close hopefully. 

"Jimmy, what exactly is going on with Mom?  You are never this paranoid or worried about anything."  Haley grabs my hand and looks at me, I can't look back since im driving but I can feel the concern.

"Mom's sick Hale,  really really sick. She was sick when she came for dinner that night."  Haley looks out the window for a long time.  Rachel is oddly quiet.  "Rachel, what's wrong?"
"Oh nothing.... I'm just worried about you guys now.  I'm sorry."  She looks out the window also, I turn the radio up as Avenged Sevenfold plays Blinded in Chains.

And we're at it again, I turn around another fucking war, man
I don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the radical leaders
Their steps we're followin'
Running, don't go back and fight, too many you'll lose

Haley and Rachel are eating their sandwiches as I'm speeding down the highway. 

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease

Rachel falls asleep as Haley is talking to mom, she won't go into detail about why we need to head there but she says it's serious.

But it wasn't a sin, a sorry life in judging every action
And as they're feeding your mind with this shit you forgot
How to speak how to ask all the questions
The business at hand tonight, make the people choose
(I see another side in you but there's not much more I can do from on the outside looking in your government is listenin' to push you on the story of immortal father mortal son give them your mind and all your wealth the cycle will rebirth itself)

I'm deep in thought as the road just blends together now.  I can't lose my mom, I cannot lose her.  If it is what I think it is.  I cannot.

If they had it their way I'd burn in Hell and your future's a fuckin' disaster can't you see
Don't give them all the power when your future's in desperate trouble baby
As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact you gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to
Running away from condition, I see you but you're running away from
Your scared seductive system
Most would claim I live a lie when pointing out it's easy to predict these things
Every color has its side, they live together vote but most won't read between these lines

This is taking a real toll on me, mom never hides anything, this has got to be fucking serious since she won't tell me or Haley what's wrong, she really liked Rachel so maybe Rachel coming as a surprise would be a good thing.

Please help us, please save us of course they have control we're all the same

"Haley, please tell me that mom's okay for right now, please tell me she's fine."

Up on the cross, crucified their problem drove the nail and let Him rot
Family and friends, it won't matter in the end I'm sure they'll understand
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed
As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold you mind, body and soul
Looking at the fields so green I know this sounds obscene
I see you're living for tomorrow but decisions you have made will leave you empty

"Jimmy, I don't know how to say it but she didn't sound like mom, she's really ba-" she starts bawling as I grab her hand.
"Haley, we will be there by morning.  I promise."

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact you gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to run
You've fallen asleep in denial
Look at the way we're dyin'
How it ends I'll never know
Just live you life blind like me

"I hope so Jimmy, I really really hope so." 

The Halfway Group (book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin