Thought Wrong

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I committed a thought crime

I was betrayed 

I was arrest and tortured

For Days

In agony and pain 

For the things I have done

Because I could feel 

Because I could love

They think they have won 

Now that the job is done

Big Brother is the same 

And is always the one to blame

My only thought now, is how this occurred

I was clever and smart

And did not say a word 


Will this change anything?

Will I run?

From Big Brother, Oceania , And my love.

The proles are too weak to rebel

I only wish Big Brother had failed

I am controlled now

Not as human as I was

Because of the people I thought I could trust  

I thought I was safe?

I thought I had won?

But Big Brother will always be there

When all is said and done 

1984 PoemsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα