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"Can we please talk?" The text message from Mike read, the blonde shaking her head with a sigh. She didn't know if she wanted to talk to him.

Carrie felt betrayed. She felt like Mike should've been honest with her. She kept going over in her head everything that'd happened since she returned and everything made a little more sense, knowing what she knew.

"Carrie, we need to talk." Mike said the second she answered her phone.

"I'm not sure if I want to talk." Carrie answered honestly, Mike unsure of what she meant.

"I can't loose you. Just let me come over and explain." Mike replied, the blonde sighing.

"Mike, you used me. You were only there for me so you could get closer. You slept over-,"

"If that was the case don't you think I would've told you? Carrie, I didn't tell you because you needed a friend, not a boyfriend. I didn't say I want to sleep with you or that I am attracted to you. I said that I am in love with you." Mike's words caused her heart to melt.

"Mike, this, this isn't funny."

"I'm not trying to be funny. Let me come over." Mike replied, her taking a deep breath as she thought about everything he was saying.


"I will see you in a few." Mike said before Carrie hung up the phone. She was completely shocked and unsure of how she felt. Mike was in love with her?

Once she'd gotten dressed and fixed her hair and make up she figured Mike was almost there and she was becoming more nervous by the second.

She stood from the couch once there was a knock on the door, her holding her breath. "Hey." Carrie softly spoke once she'd opened the door, Mike standing on the porch smiling.

"Um, hi, you look great." He complimented her as he stepped inside, her leading him over to the couch. "Care, I am sorry. I never meant to freak you out like that at all. That's why I didn't want you finding out just yet." Mike broke the silence once they'd both sat down.

"Are you sure you feel this way Mike?" Carrie questioned, licking her lips as she played with her fingers.

"I've never been more sure about anything. Carrie, you, you mean the absolute world to me." Mike said, her lowering her head. "What's wrong?" Carrie licked her lips as Mike looked at her worriedly.

"I, I, I don't believe you. I can't believe you." Carrie tried to find the right words to say.

"Why? Carrie you are-,"

"Let me just stop you there." She held her hand up, stopping him. "Mike, I, I'm not ready for all of that." Carrie's words worried Mike. All he wanted was for her to give him a chance, that's all.

"All of what?"

"I'm not ready for, for the touching and having sex and all of that. I just can't. I wish I was but I'm just not." Carrie shook her head, pressing her lips together as she stared at the floor nervously.

"Carrie, please look at me." Mike said, holding her hands gently. "I don't want that from you, not now. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you weren't ready for a relationship and that was fine, that is fine." Mike added, him able to tell that she was becoming upset. "What's wrong? What are you thinking? Talk to me." He said, her finally making eye contact with him.

"I think you just deserve better. You, you don't need this. Mike, I, I, you need someone who is ready for all of that and, and I am not. Mike, I'm sorry."

"Carrie," he wrapped his arms around her, hugging the blonde tightly. "Please, don't be upset. It doesn't matter what you say Carrie; I am in love with you. I love you. The only thing I want is to make you happy." He pulled away from the hug, looking into her eyes as he spoke.

"But, but Mike, I'm scared." She confessed, a small tear falling down her face.

"If you don't want to do this we don't have to Carrie. It's fine. It's alright." He gently wiped away the tear, her biting her lip.

"Can we just go slow?" She asked, once she'd made up her mind.

"Of course. Are you alright?"

"Just need a hug."

So sorry to leave you guys hanging! I've been going through some stuff lately. Hope you liked this chapter! Comment your thoughts!

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