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"Okay, so what is it you're wanting me to make for the reception again, dears?"

Fred and I looked at each other before he answered, "All we want is a delicious meal to eat with our family."

Nicely put, Fred. I suppose he only said it because he, like me, is getting tired off all of the fussing over every single little detail. I just want to get married. We'd went over everything already, so this was basically just a bunch of repeats.

Today is the first of March, which means twenty seven days until the wedding. Anytime I think about it, butterflies go crazy in my stomach.

I just can't believe we've come this far, you know? It just seems so unreal. It seems like just yesterday we were first years sleeping in the same bed at the Burrow in the summer. Now we're out of Hogwarts and sleeping in the same bed in our own flat!

"That's not specific enough," Molly said as she shot Fred a look.

"We're not picky, Mum. Anything you make is delicious!" Fred responded, squeezing my hand slightly.

"He's right, Mol," I agreed, nodding.

She sighed. "At least tell me what you want the cake to look like."

Fred gave me a look, telling me that it was my turn to talk.

"Just something blue," I told her.

She gave me a look like she gave Fred.

"Just do what you do best and we'll be happy," I assured her.

She sighed again and wrote some more stuff down on her parchment.

"Alright. I suppose that's enough for today. We're running down to the wire, though," she stated, packing up her things.

I breathed a sigh of relief, immediately getting up. Fred and I had been trapped here at the table since eleven o'clock this morning. It's six now.

Once Molly had left, I stretched as I asked Fred, "What do you want for supper?"

Fred shrugged. "I dunno. Whatever you want to fix."

I sighed and went to the kitchen, patting Ben on the head as I passed him.

I scanned our cupboards and the fridge before finally deciding on fish and chips. It's one of Fred and I's favorites, so I figured he wouldn't mind. It's also one of the only things I can make without burning the place down.

I busied myself with setting the table and fixing our drinks while the food cooked and Fred was downstairs, trying to get the shop in order for our Grand Reopening.

We're planning the Grand Reopening for sometime in April, after the wedding and the twins' birthday.

Fred and George had been working on it a lot lately, wanting everything to be perfect.

Before long though, I heard Fred come up the stairs before opening the door and crossing the living room to the kitchen.

I felt his arm slide around my waist as he kissed my cheek. "Smells delicious, love. Fish and chips?"

I nodded, feeling a faint blush travel up my neck.

He sat down as I put the food on the table. I had already dipped some food out for Ben, so I set the bowl on the ground for him.

I sat down across from Fred.
Oh my Merlin. The wedding is in a week. A week.

The past three weeks have passed by in a blur of dress fittings, calling companies, and thanking Molly for doing so much.


I looked at who said my name, knowing that this wasn't the first time she said my name.

"Yeah?" I asked, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

Hermione gave me a look, telling me that she knew I had been spaced out. "I was trying to discuss the order that we're going to walk down the aisle! I want to make sure I have it memorized before the rehearsal."

"Oh, er..... I'm really not sure myself yet..." I trailed off.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Elle!"

I shrugged. "Sorry?"

She laughed slightly before getting up and going to the kitchen, probably to ask Molly.

Fred came in and sat down beside me, draping an arm around my shoulders.

We were at the Burrow, partly for wedding plans and partly because Molly said that there was going to be a meal. What? I love her meals and I'm not going to turn one down!

"Everyone been bombarding you with questions too?" Fred asked, resting his head on mine.

"Yep," I responded, putting my hand on his knee and leaning into his side.

"I'm just ready for this to be over. That way the questions stop and you'll be Mrs. Weasley."

I laughed slightly and intertwined our fingers as I responded, "Yeah, I'm ready for that too."

We sat in silence, both of us enjoying the peace for a few minutes before Molly called out, "Alright, food's on the table!"

People started coming down the stairs, as well as inside from the garden. Fred and I got up and made our way to the kitchen as well.

We took our usual seats. Once everyone had sat down, we all dug in.
The meal was delicious, like always. Everyone was talking and laughing, which was normal as well.

After many, many questions from Fred's brothers who weren't as involved as the others, Fred and I were finally released to go home, George following.

George is in the process of moving out again. He's assured me multiple times that he's ready, what with Callie being nearly a year old. He says he needs to get out of our hair, especially since we're going to get married soon. He doesn't want to 'hear what's going to be happening every night.'

Fred and I have told him multiple times that he can stay as long as he wants, but he always shakes his head. I suppose it's that Gryffindor pride.

I don't have much room to talk, of course. I'm extremely prideful, unfortunately. I say unfortunately because it's gotten me in trouble a lot...

When we all got back to the flat, George immediately went to his room and resumed packing. Every spare moment he's had has been spent packing. I didn't realize he had that much stuff, honestly. I suppose a lot of it is Callie's though.

Fred and I were sitting in the living room, listening to things crashing in his room.

I finally got up, went over to George's room, and knocked.

"Come in," George grunted, making me think he was lifting something heavy.

I was right. As soon as I opened the door, I seen George moving a massive box from one corner of his room to another.

"Want some help?" I offered.

George was breathing heavily as he replied, "Sure."

So I spent the evening folding up George's clothes. We didn't talk, as we just enjoyed the comfortable silence that only best friends can have. He was busy doing Merlin-knows-what and I was busy making sure the clothes were folded perfectly to please the perfectionist in me.

Fred, the lazy bum, stayed out in the living room with Ben.

Maybe the Gryffindor pranksters have finally started to grow up a bit.
Sorry, this is a filler chapter! I promise next chapter is not as boring as this one!

Also, please, please, please, send me in ideas for the title of the third installment of this series if you have any!

There's only four more chapters left!

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