Chapter 32

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Wendy's pov ~ 

We all had huge grins plasterd on her faces. We had won the fight and the Jolly Roger was ours.

"Well, I suppose we won't be needing these." I gesturted to my sword.

"Aww, but there so fun, Wendy." John pleaded.

"And dangerous." I retorted. 

"Did you not just see yourself?" Peter spoke. "I could of have sworn you were some blood thristy pirate!" He laughed, but I was not amused. 

"I wasn't blood thirsty."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I was just... overally enthustaic." I giggled.

Peter chuckled. "You were brillant out there. I didn't need to worry." He smiled and kissed me softly.

"Would you guys stop!" Dylan begged.

"I agree with Dylan." Bae chuckled.

I pulled away from Peter, my checks a bright red. Peter smirked at my blushing. 

"Dylan and and Bae are right." He began. I gave him a confused look. "No time for snogging, We have a ship to sail!" Everyone roared with happiness. 

"But Peter. Don't we need pixie dust for the ship to fly." I asked.

"One step ahead of you, love." Peter smirked slightly. He opened the lid of the floor and began climbing the staircase. Everyone shared looks of confusion. "Captain's quaters." He explained. "They always keep a stash of pixe dust there."

"Ohh." We all said and nodded in understanding. He chuckled and continued searching for pixe dust.

Moments later, he emerged from the captain quaters with a bag full of pixie dust. "There isn't much left, so  we have to use it carefully." He gave everyone the same measurements of pixie dust and ordered them to sprinkle some in each area of the ship. Once that was done, the ship lifted off the sea and was sparkling in what, looked like, gold glitter, but was actually pixie dust.


The travel to London wasn't long and in no time we arrived in England's docks. We felt the ship as it was planted on the sea once again. We all got off and I was looking around at my surrondings. It felt good to be home. Peter began walking off.

"Peter, where do you think you're going?" I asked and he stopped in his tracks. "To your house. Isn't that where you want to go?" 

"Of course. But we can't leave a huge, medieval ship in broad day light!" 

"Oh, yeah. I forget about that." He smiled sheepishly and walked back to the ship. I didn't know what he was doing, but he later explained that he was putting a cloaking spell over it.

I lead the way to my house and stopped once we reached it. It seemed like, it was so long ago since I had seen my house.

"It might be best if you all wait out here. Except for my brothers, of course." Peter and the Lost Boys nodded in understanding. My brothers and I knocked on the door and took a deep breath. It took awhile, but the door eventually opened for me to see my mother, She looked as though she had aged and the wrinkles she had when I was home, had gotten worse. Same with the bags under her eyes.  I can't believecaused all that stress. Guilt and nerves bubbled inside of me.




What are you-" Tears dropped from her eyes and she hugged us all. I hugged her back and so did the boys. I started to cry as I missed her so much.

"George! The children! Their back!" She called from within our hug. My father emerged from the house . To be honest, I was surprised he wasn't at work. My absence must have really taken a toll on him. He stared at us for awhile. He seemed as though he was in a daze. 

"Father..." Miachel mumbled. Dad came rushing to us and joined our hug. By this time, everyone was crying. 

"Where have you been?" He asked, dumbfounded. 

'Ita a long story." I said, looking back at  Peter and the boys. 

My family welcomed them inside and we told them about everything over tea. They seemed so happy that we were back, that they didn't mind some of the things we did when were gone. My father even agreed to letting everyone live with us!  It was a momentus day. I can't wait to see Tiger Lilly tomorrow.


A/N; One more chapter till the end! 




Thanks for reading!


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