Meeting Jess

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Jack was on the bus heading to school when they made a bus stop to another house.

"Have a wonderful day, baby girl."
Jessica's Momma said.

"From the minute Jessica parked her wheelchair across my seat, my heart skips a beat when we first laid eyes on each other."

Jack smiled.

Randall said with some excitement.

"Did you say anything to her?"

Jack said.

"Yes I did I said to her."

"Good morning, my name is Jack Pearson and what is your name?"

"She smiled back and didn't know how to say her name but she showed me her lunchbox."

"Jessica Johnson!"

"I read it to her and she had the biggest smile I had ever seen. From that moment on we were the best of friends. I have helped her with reading, writing and even when she said her name. God I was so proud."

"Jack I did it, I wrote my name!"

"Yes you did! I'm so proud of you!" He squealed.

"You want to sit against the tree at recess?" She asked.

"And I told her yes! And we did."

Jack and Jessica-A love story Where stories live. Discover now