Part 2

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Logan is hungover, Patton takes him out for breakfast, and they talk about what kind of job Logan is up for.
Logan wakes to the sound of his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He feels strange, not sick but definitely hungover. His hand instantly goes to his phone to turn the alarm on snooze, he could do with a few more minutes. Only it’s not his alarm, it’s a call. He quickly grabs his glasses from the side and pushes them onto his face. It’s Patton calling him. He slides the green accept button on his phone and holds it to his ear while trying to sit upright in bed.

“Good morning!” Patton’s chipper voice shouts down the phone and Logan visibly winces, pulling the phone back from his ear for a moment before responding, “hmm, morning to you too, Patton.” And, god, his voice sounds wrecked, all croaky and dry. If he could be bothered he’d get up and get some water but he can’t so he stays snuggled up in his duvet covers.

“Wow, you sound rough,” Patton remarks, a brief laugh added to the end, and he’s talking again before Logan can even think of a comeback, “can I come round and explain about your interview then?” Just as Patton finishes speaking he hears three brisk knocks at his door, they’re echoed through the phones speaker. “That’s you, isn’t it?” Logan asks, already getting out of bed, and Patton doesn’t respond but rather hangs up.

Logan groans loudly, walks as quick as he can to the door, unlocks it and swings it open. “Morning!” Patton greets him, smiling brightly and dressed in his usual polo shirt and khakis, a stark contrast to Logan who’s in nothing but a pair of boxers and t-shirt. Patton pushes past him and makes his way to Logan’s kitchen, Logan’s mind working slower but he finally shuts the door and paces over to Patton.

Patton’s already searching through his cupboards for something to put together for breakfast but finding nothing he turns back around to face Logan. Logan just shrugs at him, “I haven’t had time to go shopping.” Patton mirrors his shrug but with a cheeky smile added, “guess I’ll have to take you out for food then.” And Patton’s wandering into his bedroom without another word, Logan quickly behind him, and Patton swings his wardrobe open and throws various items of clothing at Logan before telling him, “hurry and get changed, I’m deciding where we’re going.”

He laughs as Logan does a mock salute then wanders into the bathroom, Patton goes back into his kitchen and waits patiently. It doesn’t take Logan long to change into the pair of black jeans, a grey t-shirt and navy hoodie that Patton threw at him. He washes his face and brushes his teeth with haste before exiting the bathroom and meeting Patton in the kitchen.



They take Patton’s car, he always has the radio on and most of the time sings along but he doesn’t this morning, understanding that Logan has a hangover. They pull up to the restaurant, get out and walk in. Patton’s quick to order for them both, knowing exactly what Logan would want on a day like this. “Thanks,” Logan mutters when the waiter walks away and Patton responds, “no problem.”

“So, about this job interview?” Logan asks, dragging a hand through his hair messing it up further, but Patton waits to respond, aware of the waiter coming over to them and putting their drinks down. “Right, do you know what I do?” Patton asks, suddenly more serious but not any less smiley. Logan shakes his head, raising his eyebrows when Patton looks around again, “I’m a porn director.”

Logan’s eyes widen at the blunt confession, slightly in shock but more confused because this is Patton. Patton. The cute, innocent, bubbly neighbour. Fuck. “Okay,” Logan says, voice lower, unsure of what Patton’s going to say next. “And, well, the job is…” Patton trails off, waving his hands about a bit, hoping Logan would get the idea of what he is saying. But Logan’s still looking at him with wide eyes, Patton thought it would be difficult but not this difficult. So, he starts again, “if you got the job you’d be,” he lowers his voice to a whisper, “a porn star.”

He should have seen that coming, maybe he did but he just didn’t want to think about it. He could be a- no way. Patton looks guilty when Logan doesn’t respond, partially wanting to apologise and partially wanting to explain. “Look, I know you don’t have a lot of, um, experience in that, uh, area.” That was an understatement, Logan didn’t have any experience in that area be it acting, filming, or sex in general but Patton didn’t know that much. Sweet, well meaning, Patton thought he was just awkward and cute and a bit picky when it came to boyfriends.

“But trust me you don’t really need experience. All you need is a pretty face, check. A good body, check. And a functional you-know-what.” Logan’s fully flushed by the time Patton finishes speaking, he opens his mouth to respond but their waiter is back with their food and they’re focused on eating. Until they’re not and there’s just an awkward silence between them.

“Sorry, I made you feel awkward, I didn’t mean to,” Patton speaks, voice quiet and embarrassed, and now Logan feels somewhat guilty. He needs a job, he does. Patton is offering him a job, a good one, a well paying one he assumes. And his virginity isn’t as important as eating and paying rent, the social construct can suck his dick. “No, it’s fine, I’m just shocked but I’m up for the interview.” Logan’s voice is less steady than he wants but Patton’s looking at him bright eyed again so everything’s fine.

“Are you sure?” Patton asks again, still unsure and fretting slightly over his friend, but Logan smiles slightly, not quite a genuine smile but he’ll take it. “Yes, I’m sure. Just what do I need to expect?” The question causes Patton to fly off on a rant, telling Logan more about his career in a few hours over coffee and breakfast than he has in the five years of knowing each other.

Patton gets a bit too loud at some points, clearly enthusiastic about his profession, that Logan has to remind them they’re in public, Patton just laughs it off but talks quieter. Only when it start a getting busier in the restaurant do they leave, conversation continuing into the car and stopping when they're back at their apartments. They both have their doors open, inching closer into their own apartments but not quite finished the conversation yet.

Soon enough though they finish talking, Logan has a general understanding of what to expect in the interview tomorrow and is feeling both more nervous and less nervous at the same time. He knows what to expect so is prepared. But he’s never done anything like this before in his life. He shakes his head of theses thoughts, there’s no point dwelling on it now before the interview, he can chastise himself after for all the things he did wrong.

Patton would hit him across the head like an outraged mother if he knew Logan’s thoughts and was here right now. So, he stops his negative train of thought and distracts himself for most of the day; sorting out what he should wear for the interview, watching daytime television, going shopping for food and then making an actual meal. Then he’s in bed early, praying for his mind to shut off and stop overthinking the next day, at some point it listens and he drifts off into a dreamless sleep.

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