Her Captain, Repulsive

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They tricked us. They told us that we were safe. They lied and now we're going to be the ones who pay for they're lie

Ellie groans and rolls over on to her stomach, covering the mourning sun that had so rudely woken her up. After 11 minutes of unsuccessful sleep attempts, she groans and sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She yawns and stretches her pale arms as one of her doves glide onto her shoulder. "'Ey there, boy. Did 'ya sleep well?" Ellie smiles as her dove coo's in response. Ellie throws her long legs over the side of her bed, she cringes as her feet hit the cold wood floor.

She lazily drags herself off of the old mattress and makes her way over to a cracked vanity mirror, and steps in front of it. The mirror shows her figure, in a grey nightgown with blonde hair, spilling out in every direction, "Bloody 'ell, I must've slept rough" She thinks to herself, grabbing a comb and in a effort to brush out her hair. She eventually gives up, pulling her blonde hair into a pony tail so only her maroon bangs would be visible. Pulling on a white tank top and blue skinny jeans, she pulls her dog tags over her neck, making a loud 'clink' and effectively scaring the dove that had dozed of on her shoulder. She wraps her left hand in white bandaging, and throws two fingerless-brown gloves on her hands. Ellie lifts Erik off of her shoulder and puts him on his perch and grabs her green army knife, which she shoves into her pocket and throws her brown jacket over her shoulder, closing the worn door and locking it in the process.

By the time Ellie had made it to central town, it was already bustling with activity. Ellie shakes her head, and pulls her hood up. Before she knew what was happening and hand had reached over, and covered her mouth. Her eyes went wide with surprise, she for reached for her pocket, pulling out her knife and started to slash at the hand holding her, earning a screech of surprise from its owner. The hand retreated blood dripping down the palm of it. That's the second time that she had been jumped this week, it seems that the Monsters were getting a tad bit... viscous. She flicks her army knife close again, and shoves it in her pocket staining her sleeve with crimson. She continues down the rode, when suddenly someone wraps around her leg, she clutches her knife harder before relaxing when she realizes its only Mitch. She kneels down to Mitch's level, his eyes are red with tears.

She takes his chin in between her fingers, and wipes the tears away from his face with her thumb. "What's wrong?" She says softly, earning a tearful glance from the young boy. The boy touches his side, and carefully lifts up his red and black checkered sweater, she looks, and her eyes trail down to where the boy was pointing. There was a huge gash that started from his mid-section to the bottom of his waist, it looked like it was fresh. Her face contorts into anger, then softens, "Where's Jerome?" She asks, more tears start to spill out of his eyes, he holds onto her tighter, "H-He ki-kill-ed h-im to-o" He says between hiccups.

She picks the boy up, the boy emits a painful gasp, and holds on to her tighter. "Wer' goin' ta' get ya' ta' Seto, okey?" She looks down at the boy in her arms, he's getting real pale, She thinks to herself. She can feel the boy going limp in her arms, so she quickens her pace. Tears threaten to cloud her eyes as the boys breathing is slowing down. She avrives to Seto's "house" and bangs on his door franticly. "Seto! SETO!!" She starts yelling.

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