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"So, this next song was written in 1973 and it was written when Lindsey and I- Lindsey who is not here right now, but he is here in spirit," Stevie giggled through her monologue. "Anyway, this song was written-probably in 1973 when we made a record called 'Buckingham-Nicks'."

The audience wailed over her topic.

"I know!" she smiled to their appreciation of the album. "Let's see- we released the album in 1973 and it is now 2008." She began to count on her fingers. "83', 93', 2003- four, five, six, seven, eight. Thirty-five years ago, we released that album." She waved her hands in the air- in excitement. "Okay, back to the story-" she placed her hands on her hips. "So, we released that album and it unfortunately got dropped three months later," she paused. "Lindsey and I were stunned. We thought it was the end of the world and we were so heartbroken because we worked so hard to make the best tracks that we could make," said, messing with the fringe on her microphone. "But we didn't give up. The next song that I am about to perform, was written around that time and I put it on Trouble In Shangri-La."

She paused because she got another applaud for the mention of another album.

"And, it's called Sorcerer." She then turned to her band and gave them a cue to begin.

I'm tired
I'm thirsty
I'm wild-eyed
In my misery

Timeless in your finery
It's a high price
For your luxury

Who is the master
A man and woman on a star stream
In the middle of a snow dream
Show me the high life
Come over
Let me put you on ice

All around black ink darkness
And who found lady from the mountains
All around black ink darkness
And who found lady from the mountains
Lady from the mountains

I'm tired
I need you badly
I'm wild-eyed
In my misery

Timeless in your finery
It's a high price
For your luxury

Who is the master
A man and woman on a star stream
In the middle of a snow dream
Show me the high life
Come over
Let me put you on ice

The song of course faded and she thanked the audience before exiting the stage for another costume change. But before the show was over she was sure to tell her true thoughts on life and dreaming.

"My presence here, right now---is because of you guys. I believed in this from the very beginning and I have had nothing but support my whole life. I almost became a teacher if this whole rock and roll thing didn't work out," she chuckled. "Lindsey and I didn't give up because we knew, somehow that we were gonna make it," she paused. "We decided to keep reaching for the stars and we were very determined to make our dreams come true and later in 1974 we got offered to join Fleetwood Mac."

The audience again cheered by hearing the familiarity.

"My point is, is that if you have a dream, do not let anyone tell you, you can't make it, because you can," she said clearly and full of compassion. "Don't let anyone tell you, you are not pretty enough, or not smart enough, or talented because, that is a bunch of crap. Because, you are all smart and beautiful and talented," she smiled wide. "Don't be afraid to reach into the stars of Bella Donna and grab your dream." She then exited the stage.

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