Video?~Sam and Colby

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I woke up on the couch with Colby laying next to me his arm wrapped around my waist while I had my face buried in his chest. I took a deep breath trying to take in as much of Colby's scent as possible. I heard talking and layed there trying to go back to sleep but I heard a loud bang from somewhere in the house. I jumps up and so did Colby. "What was that?!" He whisper yelled to me looking worried. I looked at my phone, 3: 48am. I signed and looked at Colby before getting up. "I don't know, but I'm going back to bed." I said as I began walking towards the kitchen I heard another loud bang coming from the garage. I jumped back and fell into Colby's arms. "Shhh, let's very quietly go upstairs and get Sam." Colby said as he covered my mouth trying to get me not to scream. I nodded my head and we began walking but there was another bang and I jumped again and ran into Sam's room and hid in a corner. Colby came in and Sam had already shot up not knowing what was going on. "What?" He said rubbing his eyes. "It's happening again." Colby said closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead in frustration. I looked at them and Sam caught me and smiled. "We think our house is haunted, it's ok." He said getting out if bad and walking over to me offering me his hand, I took it and he helped me up out of the tight corner. I sat on the end of his bed and ran the thoughts of what just happened back in my head. "Common, let's get you to bed." Colby said rubbing my back nodding towards the door. I nodded and Sam kissed my head good night and Colby walked me to my room that as next to his. "Goodnight Savannah." Colby said kissing my forehead before I looked up and kissed him on the lips. He smiled and stared at me for a minute before I opened my door and walked on smiling back at him. He began to walk away and I closed my door taking off my shirt and pants and wearing my bra and underwear to sleep in because it was almost 4 in the morning and I was tired. I layed down and heard a door open. I then heard mine open, I opened my eyes a little bit to see Elton standing in the doorway, smiling as he shut it and walked back out. I knew he was just checking in on me song smiled to myself and went back to sleep. I woke up to the sound of people screaming and yelling downstairs. "YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!" Came Corey's voice. I got up and put this on👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

And curled my hair so that it looked like this👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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And curled my hair so that it looked like this👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

I walked downstairs and saw Colby standing in the kitchen with his head hanging low and the other roommates plus Jake and Brennen minus Sam, screaming and yelling and jumping around

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I walked downstairs and saw Colby standing in the kitchen with his head hanging low and the other roommates plus Jake and Brennen minus Sam, screaming and yelling and jumping around. "YOU ACTUALLY ASKED HER!!!!" Elton yelled and Colby nodded his head. Now I knew what they were talking about. I smiled and walked in and over to Colby and wrapped an arm around his waist he looked up at me and smiled. I have him a quick peck on the lips and the roommates went wild. I laughed along with Colby, and we all decides to go out and get some lunch since it was 1:00pm when we all woke up. We ended up going to Tender Greens because that was Colby and Brennen's favorite place to eat. When we got there and finished eating we all decided to go shopping so that I could get some more clothes and shoes and stuff that I needed. "I'm going to Gucci, you coming, Colby? Savannah?" Brennen asked us and we nodded our heads and followed. I knew that I wouldn't be getting anything because I didn't make that much money on YouTube but it was something. "You like these Savannah?" Colby asked as he picked up pair of shoes. "Yea, I don't want them though, they cost to much." I said looking back down at my Twitter. I looked up and Colby was gone. I looked around for him but couldn't find him. After a few minutes of looking for him I gave up and found Brennen. "Hey Brennen?" I said walking up behind him almost making him drop his camera. "Damnit Savannah! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Brennen yelled and we were imadeatly shushed by employees. We laughed and he turned his camera on both of us. "Where did Colbs go?" I asked looking at my phone seeing if he had texted me. "Right here." Colby said making me jump and drop my phone. I turned around and picked my phone up. When I stood back up I saw him holding a bag but now just any bag, a Gucci bag. I gasped as he handed me the bag. "Colby! You didn't!" I yelled smiling as he nodded his head smiling as well. "I did." He said and I opened the bag and found the shoes. I smiled even bigger but they soon faded. I looked back up at Colby who was smiling but then he saw me and looked worried. "What's wrong? Did I not get the right ones? Are they to small? Too big?" He said looking frantically at the bag. I shook my head and geatured for him to take the bag back, "I am not going to let you buy me shoes, especially these expensive ones. I don't like for people to spend money on me." I said shaking my head 'no'. Colby's frown turned into a smile and he pushed the bag back towards me. "I bought them for you because I want to be the beat boyfriend that I can be." Colby said and tears welled up in my eyes. "Awwww, Colbs, you were already the best boyfriend ever." I said as I stood on my tiptoes and buried my head in his shoulder and silently cried. "Awww, babygirl, don't cry." Colby said into the crook of my neck. "I hate it when you cry, I always have." Colby said his voice muffled a little bit. I hugged his neck tighter and he gripped my waist tighter as I did. "Did you guys get it too?" Brennen said and me and Colby jumped now remembering where we were. "Yup!" Aaron's voice said from behind of us. We turns around and saw everybody with their cameras smiling. "You guys know that you can't post that until I tell my fans right?" Colby said as he took my hand. I smiled and nodded as if agreeing with him. "Yeaaaaa. But the stuff that was on our stories last night, we can't undo." Corey said strutting out of Gucci flipping is non existent long hair. We all laughed and after Brennen payed for his shoes and his sweatshirt we left. I told Colby that I had scheduled a hair appointment for this afternoon so I needed to get home and change clothes. "Babe you already look amazing, you don't need to change clothes." Colby said grabbing my wrist as we walk out of the mall. I smiled at him and nodded my head as we all walked back to our cars. Since I just got to L.A. I don't have a car, so I drove with Colby and Sam. Brennen and Jake rode in his truck and Corey, Elton and Aaron all rode in Corey's car. I sat in the back and looked through my Twitter and Instagram. They were both filled with comments about me and Colby, most of them were asking if we were dating or not hut some of them were hate. "Hey Colbs?" I asked not looking up from my phone. "Yea?" He said back. "Are you getting hate on your Instagram and Twitter too?" I asked still looking down at my phone reading through some of the comments. "I don't know, haven't checked, I will when I get home though I'm driving right now." Colby said laughing a little at the end. "Oh yeah right. Sorry." I said blushing and putting my phone away. When we got home I asked Devyn if she could take me to my appointment and she said yes so we heads that way. "How are you and Colby doing?" Devyn asked as we neared the hair salon. "Pretty good I think, I mean I love him already but I don't know if he loves me as much as I love him." I said putting my phone in my pocket as we parked. "Oh BELIEVE me he does." She said smiling as we walked in. I laughed and she sat down in a chair at the entrance. After my hair was done it looked like this👇👇

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