Chapter 5

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Lucy wakes, her mind feeling foggy. She lazily turns on her side and opens one eye, taking in her surroundings.

Where am I? She questions herself, as she tries to remember where she had fallen asleep.

Much to her disdain, she cannot remember even falling asleep in the first place. She jolts upright and regets the movement as her vision blurs and her head throbs.

"Ah." She groans, bringing a hand to her temple and massaging lightly. To her left, there is a large window where rays of sunlight are peaking through the closed blinds. The small amount of light makes her eyes burn and her head pulse even more.

She studies the room she is in, not recognizing any of her surroundings. She woke on a large quilted bed in an even larger room. The room has a closet to the right of the bed, and a dresser and television sitting in front. The room is a lovely pale green color, however; Lucy feels very alarmed as she still does not recognize it.

With careful movements, Lucy moves herself to the ege of the bed, her head still throbbing much to her confusement. Have I been drugged? She wonders as she uses the tiniest of movements raising from the bed, so as not to make a noise. Her eyes search the room, looking for her cell phone. She releases a huff of frustration as her search comes up empty. Of course it's not here. She carefully makes her way to the bedroom door.

She raises a shaky hand and breathes deeply, steadying herself before opening the door. It squeaks as she opens it, making her jump backwards slightly. Entering the hallway, Lucy becomes even more alarmed as she still does not recognize the house at all. The hallway stretches from one end of the house to another, and doesn't harbor many decorations apart from a few photographs of what appear to be different cities around the world and a small table with a lamp.

Thinking it might come in handy, Lucy unplugs the lamp and takes it in her right hand, holding it out in front of her defensively. She tries to think back to what little her mother had taught her about defensive tactics. When she was much younger, her mother had been border-line paranoid about her or her brother, Ty, being kidnapped and faild miserably to teach them how to defend themselves.

All thoughts of her family vanish from her mind as she hears footsteps coming from behind her. Instinctively, she tightens her grip on the lamp, turning on her heel to swing. Just before the lamp makes contact with her attacker, her eyes focus on the individual and she yelps softly, jumping back. "I am so sorry!" She apologizes, noticing at once who is standing just in front of her now with hands raised defensively.

It is a pale woman with soft purple and blue toned hair. A glass falls to the ground from the womans raised hand, shattering on the floor along with its contents. She raises her eyebrows at Lucy as she slowly steps over the shattered glass. "WOAH!" Gemma exclaims, laughing shortly. "I'm not going to hurt you, love. I was actually just bringing you a glass of water and some Tylenol." She looks down to the shattered glass and pulls out a tiny pill bottle from her pocket.

Gemma Styles, Harry's older sister, is standing in front of her causing more confusion to Lucy's already muddled brain. "You're Harry's sister!" Lucy dumbly says. "What are you doing here?.. And erm.. Where exactly is here?" She adds.

Gemma smiles sweetly, shaking her head slightly in amusement. "We're at my brother's house." She says slowly, raising an eyebrow at me. "He said you've been here before?"

Lucy furrows her brow, "Yes, well.. Once. But I've never saw this part of the house."

"We're upstairs where all the guest rooms are. Harry told me you'd probably be slightly confused when you woke up." She laughs. "But I didn't think that meant you would come at me with a lamp." She finishes, her tone joking.

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