51 • texas

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It was late and I was tired. I barely slept on the plane and I just wanted to get in bed already.

Collecting our bags was a fucking mess and I was pissed off. This night was never ending. We followed Fu out of the airport to where there was two taxis waiting for us.

Diego, Steven, JP, and Fu were going to go to a hotel and I was going to go to my Nana's house.

I was saying my goodbyes to the boys and Diego. I didn't want to sleep without him but I think I would make it one night. I rather be in my own bed then staying in a hotel again to be honest.

"You know what fuck it ima go with you" Diego said pulling out of our hug

"Are you sure?" Me and Fu asked him at the same time

I knew Fu didn't want him to but my Nana's house wasn't even that far away. It's about thirty minutes away well twenty depending on how fast you drive.

"Yeah I'm sure" Diego said looking at me with a smile

It made me happy. I knew he was nervous because that means in the morning he would have to meet my Nana.


It was close to one o'clock in the morning when we finally got to my Nana's house and I was beyond excited to get in bed.

We grabbed our bags out of the trunk of the taxi and went to the front door. I unlocked the door and we quietly went inside.

I turned the flashlight on, on my phone and told Diego to follow me towards my room. Thank god it was downstairs because I'm sure Diego wants to get down later and I don't want to wake up my Nana with any noise that's going to happen (;


My alarm clock started going off and I groaned. I don't want to get up fuck. I rolled over at hit snooze. I knew that wasn't a good idea because Diego had to get up and start to get ready. I rolled over to wake him up and he wasn't there. I swear he's always gone when I wake up.

I changed out of my pajamas and went out to the kitchen where I found Diego and my Nana sitting at the kitchen table talking and drinking coffee.

"Morning" I said getting both of their attention

"Raegan sweetheart it's so good to see you" My Nana smiled as she got up from the table and hugged me

"It's good to see you too Nana. I see you've met Diego" I said as she pulled away from the hug

"I have, now sit I'll get you some coffee" Nana said lightly pushing me towards the chair next to Diego

He pulled the chair out for me and I sat down. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss.

"When did you get up?" I asked

"I never really went to sleep" Diego said shrugging his shoulders

"Babe why not?" I asked

"Not really sure. After we fucked my thoughts wouldn't shut off"

I smacked his shoulder when he said that hoping my Nana didn't hear that and he laughed.

"Well maybe you can get a nap in sometime before the show?" I said

"I doubt it" he mumbled

My Nana came back with a cup of coffee for me and some cream and sugar. She sat down across from me and Diego. She looked back and forth between us a few times and shifted in her seat.

"So how long are y'all in town for?" Nana asked before taking a sip of her coffee

"Today and tomorrow" Diego said answering her question

"Yeah I plan on coming back after the show though so I can spend some time with you before we leave" I added

Nana nodded her head with a small smile. I really missed her. She's the only one in my family I can be around without getting annoyed by them.

Nana was having a good time grilling Diego with questions. She's the sweetest woman ever but when it came to me she was tough and protective. After she made breakfast for the three of us it was time for me and Diego to get ready.


Nana let us borrow her car for the night instead of having to spend money on another taxi. When we got to the venue there was already quite a few fans lined up at the door. Diego called Fu so he could meet us outside and show us the way in. We went unnoticed.

While Diego did his meet and greet and sound check I was sitting in the back waiting for him. It was kinda boring because I was by myself. Damn Jess, Ethan, and Brielle for not being here.


Excuse me?

I'm here

Wtf do you mean your here??

I told you I was coming to see you 😂😂😂

You really think I want to fucking see you after what you said to me? Not lmaoooo

Are you in the back?

How the hell did you even get in?

I know people 😉

Read 3:53

"You know it's not nice to ignore people" I heard his voice sat from behind me

My whole body tensed up hearing his voice. Fuck dude this isn't going to end well.



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