Chapter one

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Tyler's Pov

'Ugh... morning all ready?' I turn the clock off and get dressed. I slowly walk down stairs making sure not to make any noise so my father doesn't hear me. For my luck he isn't awake. I quickly grab lunch and run to school with my back pack which I took on the way out. As soon as I enter I walk to my locker. I get a book out and close it.

Alec:Scared Fag?~
Tyler:Of coures not...
Alec:Heh, don't forget your beating after school.
Tyler: ...

He walks away. God I hate that guy. I walk to my class and sit in the middle of the class room next to the window and space out because I all ready know all the stuff the teacher explains. I get pulled out of my thoughts as a note hits my head. I pick it up.

'Dear Tyler.
I like you. Alot. But you have to find
Out who I am. I made some of my
friends to make this so the writing
doesn't make sense I know... it's just
So you can't find you because I know your really smart... your really cute too.

-Secret admirer'

Huh? I look around the class room but no one that would give me this is staring. Alec seems to be glaring daggers at a kid who is looking at me. I give him a dumb folded face and he quickly looks away. Weird.

Alec's Pov

That brat. I saw the kid named Ryan trow a love letter at MY  Tyler! How dare he!? Ugh! I will make him pay. He will know what true suffering is.

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