[ II. the newcomers ]

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As Verena had predicted, Ron's sour mood lasted the rest of the train ride and proceeded to get even worse when Peeves decided to drop several water balloons on the already drenched students. Soaked and sputtering with rage, the youngest Weasley boy led the way to their table where a reunion of sorts was taking place.

Neville stood next to a pair of tall, ginger boys, excitedly showing them something he held in his hands. The identical boys, clothed in bright red robes, seemed to be extremely bored. A faraway look filled their eyes and they seemed zoned off to the bustling commotion surrounding them. Verena grinned at the sight. "Oi, Weasleys!"

The younger Diggory was barreling into Fred and George before they could even look up. One minute Verena was standing several feet away and the next she was in their embrace. Wild laughter bubbled out of their mouths as they crashed into each other, arms flailing to hold each other tightly. When she inhaled, the smell of pine trees and lemons hit her nose. Their arms tightened around Verena as she tried her best to regain her footing.

"How can such a tiny person weigh so much?" George grunted as he shifted his weight from side to side, trying to find a grip on the small girl.

"Hey!" Verena slapped his arm and stepped back from the pair of redheads. Her gaze lingered slightly longer on Fred as she studied his face. His eyes shone a deep shade of chocolate brown and a mesmerizing smile appeared on his lips. Warmth radiated from the point on Verena's shoulders where he had held her.

"Ver, you got taller!" Fred cried sarcastically.

Verena swatted at the sixth-year, a blush creeping up her neck. She wasn't actually short, all of her friends just happened to be taller than her. "Shut up! I actually grew three inches this summer."

"If you say so, darling."

Before the Diggory girl could reply the doors of the Great Hall opened with a bang, revealing Professor McGonagall with a line of first years waiting timidly behind her.

George pulled his twin into the seat adjacent to him, leaving Verena to take her seat next to Ron. The first years shuffled out with their hands fidgeting and feet tripping over the hems of their cloaks.

"I swear, they get shorter every year," Ron mumbled. Verena rammed her elbow into his side.

Professor McGonagall pulled out a wooden stool to the front of the hall and placed the sorting hat on top of it. "When I call out your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool," she told the first years. "When the hat announces your House, you will go and sit at the appropriate table."

After the last name was called, Dumbledore raised his arms in welcome, a smile on his face. "I have only two words to say to you," he told them. "Tuck in."

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃𝐘 ── 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now