Paige's Bedroom- Seconds Later

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         "It's okay, Paige." Piper reassured her baby sister. "It's gonna be okay; just do like Phoebe told you and breathe through it."

"It hurts!" Paige sobbed. "I know, honey, I know." Piper murmured as she sat down beside Paige. "Let me try something, okay?" she pleaded. "O-okay." Paige gasped. Piper then placed her hand on Paige's lower back, using an acupressure technique she had learned from Paige, herself. "Wha-what are you doing?" Paige inquired between breaths. "It doesn't take the pain away completely, but it helps."

"It's acupressure, honey." Piper explained. "The same thing you used on me when I was in labor with Garrett."

"Thank you, Piper." Paige said gratefully. "No matter what I say to the contrary later, I want you all to know that I love you very much."

"We know, honey, and we all love you." Piper answered. She paused for a deep breath, knowing that her next question could seriously upset Paige, then continued, asking as gently as she could. "Ah, Paige, sweetheart, were you able to reach Dave at all?" Paige's face took on an expression of rage, and Piper quickly grasped and held Paige's hands. "Take deep breaths, sweetie." Piper coached. "Let me go!" Paige demanded angrily. "I can't do that." Piper answered quietly. "I'm afraid of what will happen if I do. Just put your anger into your words, Paige. Scream if you want to...Words aren't going to deep-freeze anyone."

"I HATE HIM!!!!! " Paige screamed at the top of her lungs, frightening Garrett and causing him to burst into tears and put up his force field. "Leo, take him out of here, now!" Piper snapped. Leo wordlessly obeyed his wife and stepped into the hallway, saying. "Put your guard down, little buddy. It's okay... Auntie Paige didn't mean to scare you; she's very angry right now, and Mommy doesn't want you to get hurt. Let's go and play with your toys, okay?"

"That's good, Paige." Phoebe said encouragingly. "Get it out of your system."

"I hate him so much!" Paige said in a hoarse voice. "During the night, I tapped into the baby's powers and I astral-project-orbed myself to Australia to find out where he was. That rat-bastard was getting ready for a date! It's so not fair! Do you guys remember my telling you that I went to him when I was in the coma?" Paige questioned her sisters, who nodded silently in reply. "Well, I told him then that I was a witch, and he seemed to be okay with it. A little shocked, but okay with it. This time, he told me that he had given the matter a lot of thought, and he decided that it scared him to be with a freak like me!" At this point, Paige's voice broke on an angry sob. She growled at Piper, who refused to relinquish her hold on Paige's hands.

"Paige, you're not a freak." Piper assured her vehemently. "No matter what anyone says, you aren't honey. Dave's just an ignorant jerk."

"No, he's a self-centered ignorant jerk, and I told him as much." Paige confessed. "He said he couldn't bear the thought of being with someone who could do things that he never dreamed were possible, or be a father to someone who had those abilities, either. I told him I thought he was a self-centered jerk, and apparently, my baby didn't like it. I got hit with the worst pain I've ever felt at that point; it was so bad that it sent me back into my own body."

"What a jerk!" Glenn spat vehemently, speaking for the first time since he and Piper had come into the room. "I've never laid eyes on the guy, and I hate him, too! You don't deserve that kind of treatment, Paige; nobody does. I know I had nothing to do with this baby's conception, but if you'll have me, I'd like to help you raise him or her." Paige, who had been sobbing in anger, looked up at Glenn incredulously, her sobs instantly cut off. "Wha-what are you saying?" she stammered, when she had found her voice again.

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