The box

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Randall, Kate and Kevin were playing in the basement when they saw a box that Jack put away for years after showing Rebecca when they first met he made sure Rebecca knows who this lady was to him.

"Ooh let see what is in it!" Kevin says.

Inside there were photos of Jack with a young lady in a wheelchair.

"Hm it definitely not Mommy." Randall says.

Kevin said.

"Let's show Daddy maybe he will tell us."

When they did come down the basement they found Jack watching tv.

"Daddy, who is this?" Kate asked holding the picture frame of them.

Rebecca stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and listened as she is aware of the kids were asking him.

Jack's heart aches as he stared at the photo and memories of them came back.

"Oh Jack, you are such a charmer. You didn't have to buy me flowers." 

Jessica giggled and kissed him.

"You're my girl! I would do anything for you."

He replied.

"Daddy who is she?"

Kate asked again.

Jack sighed.

"Years before I met your mother this was my first love, Jessica."

Randall said.

"Does Mommy knows?"

"Yes she's aware." Jack says.

Kevin said.

"Tell the story then."

Rebecca nods gently to let him go tell their kids his story.

Jack said.

"Her name was Jessica. The year was 1947. I was three years old when I met her."

Jack and Jessica-A love story Where stories live. Discover now