Halliwell Manor Kitchen- The Next Morning

Start from the beginning

"Honey, I'm so sorry," Piper said softly. She held her arms out to Paige, who accepted the hug gratefully. "I didn't mean to bring up such a sore subject," Piper moaned as she rubbed Paige's back. "'S okay, Piper, you didn't know," Paige choked. Suddenly, Paige let out a loud hiccup and orbed out of Piper's embrace. "Paige, are you okay? What happened?" Piper called. She waited a few moments, and when she didn't receive an answer, she called again, only louder. "PAIGE?"

"Sorry, Piper!" Paige called from the second floor. "I'll be down in a few minutes!"

"Are you okay?" Piper called. "Yes, I'm fine, Piper!" Paige called back. "Okay, good to hear!" Piper replied.

After a short while had passed, Paige came downstairs, wearing a different outfit. "What was that?" Piper asked. "Did something happen? You changed clothes, too."

"I changed clothes because I'm going to meet Sam for dinner," Paige began. "It's going to be awhile until I can call him 'my dad.' " She said quietly. "Anyway, my powers have been acting strange since I've started getting white lighter charges... If I get upset enough to hiccup while I'm crying, I'll orb out."

"Must be any time your emotions are running high," Piper said softly, with a smirk. Paige immediately went bright pink and said; "I guess it started before that, considering the 'problem' I had with Dave at first, huh?"

At that, Piper could no longer hold back a giggle. Paige glared at her and snapped, "Knock it off, Peeper!" She knew that particular nickname was one that Piper truly detested. "I'm s-sorry," Piper sputtered. "It's just so easy making you blush, Paige... I mean, it's not even a challenge anymore."

"Not the least bit funny!" Paige replied angrily. Hard as she tried, Piper could not stop giggling. "See you later!" Paige said, as she slammed out of the Manor's front door. Once she was behind the wheel of her car, Paige let out a sigh of relief. "Pretty soon, they'll know the truth anyhow," she said to herself. "They'll get suspicious when I'm running around in sweats because I can't button my jeans anymore. God, these are tight," she moaned.

An Italian Restaurant In San Francisco

Paige glanced at her watch for a third time. "Where is Sam?" she asked herself. "Sorry I'm late, honey," she heard suddenly. She looked up to see Sam beside her. "I got a call," he said quietly. Paige nodded in understanding and said, "Innocents come first."

"So how have you been?" Sam asked as he seated himself at the table. He studied her face for a moment and said quietly, "You haven't been getting enough sleep... I can tell. You're also not feeling well, are you?" Paige then gave Sam a look as if to ask him where he thought he got off, making remarks like that. "Look, honey," Sam began. "I know I didn't raise you, and that we've only recently met one another, but I am your father, and I'm concerned about you."

"Thanks for your concern, Sam." Paige began softly, regretting the look she had given him. "You're right... I haven't been sleeping well, and I haven't been feeling the greatest, either." She paused to take a breath, and Sam said suddenly. "You're pregnant."

"Wha- how did you know?" Paige sputtered. "Patty, well, your mother, acted that way when she first found out you were on the way." Sam explained. "She had trouble sleeping, and was nauseated for a few months...Do Piper and Phoebe know yet?" he finished.

Paige snorted and said. "Are you kidding? I value my life, Sam. They'd kill me first and ask questions later. To hell with the power of three."

"Oh, come on." Sam said quietly. "They seem like they'd be very understanding."

This remark produced another snort from Paige. "Ah, Sam, are we talking about the same two Halliwell sisters? Sure, they've both been pregnant. Piper is now, as you know, but their pregnancies have occurred within wedlock. I don't think they'd be very understanding of my getting 'knocked up' by a mortal. Especially since 'my' mortal is back home in Australia, and doesn't know he's going to be a father yet," she finished quietly. "When were you planning on telling him?" Sam asked. "Well, I was hoping that the immigration department would renew his visa so that he can come back to the States. Then I can break the news to him gently. Otherwise, I'll have to do it by e-mail, and that's so not the way I want to break news like this. As far as Piper and Phoebe finding out, I'm hoping I'll be able to hold out until I have no choice but to tell them."

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