Six Weeks Later- Paige's Bedroom

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Paige groaned as she rolled over in bed. "I feel awful," she moaned to herself. "You'd think after nearly two weeks, I'd have shaken this stomach flu already," she added as she sat up and lunged for the bathroom. A short while later, she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen. "Morning, Paige," Leo said, looking up from his newspaper. "Morning," Paige mumbled in response. "Where are my sisters?"

"Piper is at her pre-natal yoga class, and Phoebe is at work." Leo responded. "Are you hungry? Piper made waffles before she left." Paige let out an unintentional groan as her stomach rolled over. "Are you okay?" Leo asked, lowering his paper and studying Paige intently. "Fine," Paige said softly. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you look a little peaked," Leo replied.

"Wow," Paige said with a chortle. "You can tell that you're from a different era, Leo. The last time I heard that term was from my Grandmother, God rest her soul. No offense," she added. "None taken," said Leo. "Look, I know I'm not one of your sisters, but if you need anything, I'm here, okay?"

"Thanks, Leo," Paige replied. "It's just a stomach bug...I'll be fine."

"Okay," he responded. Suddenly, blue and white lights shimmered above him. "It's the Elders," he said. "Get some rest and I'll see you later, " he added before orbing out. Once alone, Paige brewed herself a cup of ginger tea and nibbled on some saltines. When she felt human again, she decided to make some potions so they would be ready when needed. "You never know what demon is going to bust through the door, next, " she said to herself. "Might as well have a vanquishing potion ready and waiting."

Paige was nearly done making the third potion when she began to feel woozy. "Maybe it's the smell of all of them that's getting to me," she told herself. She turned off the flame under the pot she had been using and held onto the counter as a wave of dizziness washed over her. "Oh, wow. I have to lie down before I collapse," she breathed. She made her way to the couch in the sunroom by holding onto countertops, walls, and furniture for support, before she could go no further. "Just a short nap," She promised herself, as she settled into the cushions and proceeded to drift off.


"Paige!" Piper screamed a few hours later. "Where the hell are you?!" Paige sat up groggily on the couch, noticing that it was darker now in the sunroom. "Paige, the kitchen is a mess!" Piper said angrily from the doorway. "I'm sorry, Piper," Paige responded as her eyes filled with sudden tears. "I wasn't feeling well, and I had to lay down."

"Leo says the Elders are upset," Piper ranted, like she had not heard Paige speak at all. "How could you miss a whitelighter call, Paige?! An innocent died because you didn't answer your call! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

As Paige was about to respond, she was hit with a powerful wave of nausea. "If she doesn't shut up, I'm going to humiliate myself by vomiting here before I make it to the bathroom," Paige thought to herself. In the next instant, she found herself in the bathroom... When she felt better, she could hear Piper's voice off in the distance. She was crying as she said, "Paige, I'm so sorry I yelled at you... please wake up."

There was a moment of silence before Piper called loudly, "Leo!!"

"What the hell?" Paige asked herself. "If I'm in here, how can she be seeing me out there?"

A few seconds later, Paige found herself looking up into Piper's worried face as she came to on the sunroom's couch. "Thank God you woke husband's not answering my call," Piper whimpered. She looked up at the ceiling and screamed, "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, LEO!!" Suddenly, Leo orbed in and stood before them. "What's wrong, Piper?" he asked. "Something weird just happened with Paige," Piper replied. "You're telling me," Paige muttered. "What happened?" Leo asked, looking in Paige's direction. "Well," Paige replied. "I woke up to the sound of your wife screaming at me, because I left a mess in the kitchen. I explained to her that I had to lie down because I wasn't feeling well, and she continued to scream at me... It was like she hadn't heard a word I'd said. I'm sorry that an innocent died because of me. I was just so tired... I'm really sorry," she said again, as she dissolved into sobs.

"It's okay, Paige," Piper said gently, hugging her sister. "I'm sorry for yelling at you... Do you feel better, now?" Paige nodded silently and then spoke, saying, "When you were screaming at me, I was lying here thinking,' if Piper doesn't shut up soon, I'm going to give her something to scream about, because I'm going to vomit right here.' The next thing I knew, I was in the bathroom, and I could hear you crying in here and asking me to wake up." She glanced at Piper, whose jaw was dropped in shock. "What?" Paige asked. "You astral projected," Piper said incredulously. "Prue was the only one of us who could do that."

"Wow, so I guess I have a new power," Paige replied, stifling a yawn. "Are you sure you're okay, honey?" Piper asked as she studied Paige closely. "Yeah, why?" Paige asked, looking somewhat uncomfortable. "Well, I noticed that you tend to pick at your food, lately. When you actually do eat, that is. You're skinny enough, Paige...You definitely don't need to starve yourself." Piper finished, looking somewhat pointedly at her sister. "I'm fine," Paige mumbled, looking uncomfortable. "Just some stomach bug that's got a hold of me, that's all. " Piper gave Paige a knowing look and said, "Okay, well, if you need anything...someone to talk to, whatever, I'm here...Why don't you try to get some more sleep?"

"Thanks, Piper," Paige sighed as she settled back into the cushions and closed her eyes.

Halliwell Manor- The Next Morning

Paige glanced at the pregnancy test resting on the bathroom counter for a third time. Her heart sank as she saw that the results still read positive. "What am I going to tell Piper and Phoebe?" she whispered as she began to cry. "And Dave..." she continued. "He's supposed to be going home to Australia this afternoon... How can I drop news like this on him now? Oh, by the way, honey, you're going to be a father... Have a nice flight. I can't!" she wailed. "Paige?" came Piper's voice on the other side of the door. "Sweetie, are you sick? What's the matter?"

"I'm okay, Piper, really." Paige choked. "I just need to be alone right now. "

"Okay," Piper replied. If you need anything, just let me or Phoebe know, and we'll be here."

"Thanks, Piper." Paige replied.

An Outdoor Café- Later That Day

"Paige," Dave said worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," Paige stammered in response. "What makes you ask?"

"Well, you're not eating, and you're quieter than usual," Dave replied. "Sorry honey," Paige began. "I'm just thinking how much I'm going to miss you..." she finished, looking down at the table, as tears welled in her eyes. "Paige, I love you," Dave said quietly. "I'd give anything, anything to stay here with you, but my visa's expired. I have to go home, and hopefully, they'll let me reapply. I'd like to continue seeing you, if you're interested..."

'It's now or never,' Paige coached herself silently. Aloud, she said, "Um, Dave, we kind of need to talk..."

"About what?" he asked. 'Think fast, Paige...Do you tell him you're pregnant, or that you're a witch, here? Well, you can't tell him you're a witch, 'cause Phoebe and Piper will kill you. Then again, telling him you're pregnant when he can't stay is bad, too,' she said to herself. "Ah, Paige," Dave said, waving his hand in front of her face. "You were saying?"

"Uh, well, if you can't come back, I don't want you to feel like you're tied to me, so how about if we stay together, but see other people while we're apart?" Paige finished lamely. "In other words, an 'open relationship'?" Dave asked. "Yes, exactly!" Paige exclaimed. "Sounds like a plan," Dave said, leaning across the table to kiss her. "God, I love you."

"I love you, too," Paige murmured against his lips as they kissed.


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